subroutine julday(iye,mon,idy,ihr,min,sec,julian,ifail) C ****************************************************************************** C * * C * FORTRAN SOURCE CODE * C * * C * PROGRAM SET : UTILITY REF:JRH:23:05:1991 * C * * C * REVISION : ------------- JRH:--:--:1991 * C * * C * SOURCE : FORLIB.FVS * C * ROUTINE NAME: JULDAY * C * TYPE : SUBROUTINE * C * * C * FUNCTION : Converts (year, month, day, hour, minute, second) to * C * Julian Day (based on Numerical Recipes) * C * * C * IYE ........ Year * C * MON ........ Month * C * IDY ........ Day * C * IHR ........ Hour * C * MIN ........ Minute * C * SEC ........ Second * C * JULIAN ..... Julian Day (non-negative, but may be * C * non-integer) * C * IFAIL ...... 0 for successful execution, otherwise 1 * C * * C ****************************************************************************** real*8 julian real*4 sec integer*4 iye,mon,idy,ihr,min,ifail integer*4 iyyy,jy,jm,igreg,ja,ijul integer*4 idint2 parameter (igreg=15+31*(10+12*1582)) C ..... Gregorian Calendar was adopted 15 Oct. 1582 if(iye.eq.0.or. ! There is no year zero $ then ! Julian Day must be non-neagtive ifail=1 return endif if( then iyyy=iye+1 else iyyy=iye endif if( then jy=iyyy jm=mon+1 else jy=iyyy-1 jm=mon+13 endif ijul=idint2(365.25d0*dble(jy))+idint2(30.6001d0*dble(jm)) $ +idy+1720995 if(idy+31*(mon+12*iyyy).ge.igreg) then C ..... Test for change to Gregorian Calendar ja=idint(0.01d0*dble(jy)) ijul=ijul+2-ja+idint(0.25d0*dble(ja)) endif julian=dble(ijul) $ +dble(ihr)/24.d0+dble(min)/1440.d0+dble(sec)/86400.d0 $ -0.5d0 ! Correction from midnight to noon if( then ! Julian Day must be non-negative ifail=1 return endif ifail=0 return end integer*4 function idint2(x) C ****************************************************************************** C * * C * FORTRAN SOURCE CODE * C * * C * PROGRAM SET : UTILITY REF:JRH:23:04:1991 * C * * C * REVISION : ------------- JRH:--:--:1991 * C * * C * SOURCE : FORLIB.FVS * C * ROUTINE NAME: IDINT2 * C * TYPE : FUNCTION * C * * C * FUNCTION : As INT, but trunctates towards -(infinity) * C This is D.P. version of INT2 * C * * C ****************************************************************************** real*8 x idint2=idint(x) if(dble(idint2).eq.x) return if( idint2=idint2-1 return end