Module CommParameters ! This is version 2, 18 Mar 2010 ! 03 Aug 2010 Ver 2.1 Adding ability to control WeederTech DOT board. ! Added some global variables to allow for correcting for sample loop dilution. Implicit none !============= Define Which ports go to which equip ================= integer, parameter:: oxigrafPort = 4 integer, parameter:: ch4Port = 5 integer, parameter:: valcoPort = 6 integer, parameter:: mfmPort = 7 integer, parameter:: WTDOTport = 9 ! note port 8 has the MKS 647C controller. !===================CHARACTER CONSTANTS=================================== CHARACTER(LEN=1), PARAMETER :: SOH = CHAR( 1) CHARACTER(LEN=1), PARAMETER :: STX = CHAR( 2) CHARACTER(LEN=1), PARAMETER :: ETX = CHAR( 3) CHARACTER(LEN=1), PARAMETER :: EOT = CHAR( 4) CHARACTER(LEN=1), PARAMETER :: ENQ = CHAR( 5) CHARACTER(LEN=1), PARAMETER :: ACK = CHAR( 6) CHARACTER(LEN=1), PARAMETER :: NAK = CHAR(15) CHARACTER(LEN=1), PARAMETER :: DLE = CHAR(16) CHARACTER(LEN=1), PARAMETER :: ESC = CHAR(27) CHARACTER(LEN=1), PARAMETER :: CR = CHAR(13) CHARACTER(LEN=2), PARAMETER :: crlf = CHAR(13)//CHAR(10) ! Some WeederTech WTDOT commands. These are based on which channel the WTDOT board is set to ! and what channels instruments/valves are connected to. ! These commands are for turning on or off the gas pump that circulates gases to the detectors. character(len=3), parameter:: N2on = 'ALA' ! Set channel A on Board A to low (i.e., turn it on ) character(len=3), parameter:: N2Off = 'AHA' ! Set channel A on Board A to high (i.e., turn it off) character(len=3), parameter:: gasPumpOn = 'ALB' ! Set channel B on Board A to low (i.e., turn it on ) character(len=3), parameter:: gasPumpOff = 'AHB' ! Set channel B on Board A to high (i.e., turn it off) character(len=3), parameter:: feed2On = 'ALC' ! Set channel C on Board A to low (i.e., turn it on ) character(len=3), parameter:: feed2Off = 'AHC' ! Set channel C on Board A to high (i.e., turn it off) character(len=3), parameter:: feed2Stat = 'ARC' ! Read channel C on Board A character(len=3), parameter:: feed2L = 'ACL' ! On board A, Channel C is Low (response to ARC) character(len=3), parameter:: feed2H = 'ACH' ! On board A, Channel C is High (response to ARC) character(len=3), parameter:: f2SmpOn = 'ALD' ! Set channel D on Board A to low (i.e., turn it on ) character(len=3), parameter:: f2SmpOff = 'AHD' ! Set channel D on Board A to high (i.e., turn it off) !================== Other parameters real, parameter:: badRead = -9.99 ! values to use for bad port reads. real sampleTime ! Time to spend sampling one reactor (min). This is needed to purge detectors, etc. real loopTime ! How often to intitiate a complete sampling (min). This is entered as hours, but converted to nearist min. ! loopTime > sampleTime*(nMCports+2) integer, parameter:: infoUnit=100, datUnit=101, rcvUnit=102 ! unit numbers for *.info, *.dat and *.rcv files. integer, parameter:: onOffUnit = 103 ! file that has times of FeedGas On and Off cycling integer, parameter:: maxNoPorts = 10 !Current number of sample ports on Valco Valve. character*15, parameter:: okDigits = '+-0123456789. ,' real co2Feed, o2Feed, ch4Feed ! Concentrations of feed gas real o2Adj, co2Adj, ch4Adj ! integer noteFlag ! Is set to 1 when new note is entered. ! Version 3.0 additions logical gasCycleRunning ! If true, then the gasCycling of feed 2 is currently running. logical Feed2GasOn ! current state of feed 2 gas valve real co2Feed2, o2Feed2, ch4Feed2 ! Concentrations of feed gas 2 real co2Feed2cur, o2Feed2cur, ch4Feed2cur ! Current concentrations of feed gas 2 depending on valve position integer noteCnt ! moved to here real(8) tzero, t0GasCycling real(8) tCycleOnOff ! Every tCycleOnOff days, Feed gas is switched between feed gas 1 or 2. integer ncycledPorts, cycledPorts(maxNoPorts) ! Which MCs have the feed gas cycled character filename*80 real(8) MCheadSpaceVol(maxNoPorts), SLvol real(8) SL_O2, SL_CO2, SL_CH4, SL_o2_new, SL_co2_new, SL_ch4_new ! concentrations of these gases in the sample loop. integer mixtankPort ! port that is used to sample mix-tank composition integer mixtankVentPort ! Port that is connected to the VENT of the mix-tank integer feed2GasPort ! Port that is used to sample the feed2Gas composition. Note, must open gas value to do so. real(8) SLpurgeTime ! How long sample loop needs to be purged with the mix-tank vent gas (min). integer MCports(maxNoPorts), nMCports ! Contains how many MCs to sample (not including mix-tank and ! feed 2 gas port. character debugStr*1024, tempStr*1024 ! just using for debugging namelist /recovery/ o2Feed, co2Feed, ch4Feed, sampleTime, loopTime namelist /recovery/ tcycleOnOff, gasCycleRunning, ncycledPorts, cycledPorts, o2Feed2, co2Feed2, ch4Feed2 namelist /recovery/ tzero, noteCnt, t0GasCycling, MCheadSpaceVol, SLvol, mixtankVentPort, SLpurgeTime namelist /recovery/ MCports, nMCports, mixtankPort, feed2GasPort contains subroutine writeRecovery ! This routine writes recovery info open(unit=rcvUnit,file=trim(filename)//'.rcv',status='unknown') write(rcvUnit,nml=recovery) close(unit=rcvUnit) return end subroutine writeRecovery subroutine readRecovery ! This routine reads the recovery info open(unit=rcvUnit,file=trim(filename)//'.rcv',status='old') read(rcvUnit,nml=recovery) close(unit=rcvUnit) return end subroutine readRecovery End Module CommParameters Program MonitorGases ! This Program is used to monitor the gass composition for the bioreactor setup. ! Versions ! 15 May 05 1.0 First writing to read multiple ports for actual equipment ! 23 Jun 05 1.01 Fixed serial port problem with sbits ! 18 Aug 05 1.02 Added more purging of serial port data. ! 23 Sep 05 1.03 Just have purge time now. Also look at menu control more often. ! 11 Oct 05 1.04 Problem getting valco port to switch following calibration ! 12 Jan 06 1.05 Modify program so that it also samples feed gas as well as microcosm exit gas ! Also, values are displayed every 10 sec instead of just when storred. ! 3 Jul 08 1.06 Modify time output format so that > 1000 days can be handelled. ! Note, this is being compilter with Intel Fortran... ! 19 Nov 09 1.07 Attempt to sample anayzers repeatively so as to obtain values ! with lower noise. ! 20 Mar 10 1.08 Adding ability to record gas analyzer values in a separate file. This ! will allow easier determination of CH4/Air mix concentration that is now ! being controlled by the MKS mass flow controllers (or will be soon). Also ! will try to improve analyzer readings by averaging reads. ! 25 Jun 10 1.09 Modified readCH4 so that an error returned in a read does not cause the ! data to be lost (i.e., reported as -9.99). ! 03 Aug 10 2.0 Modifying the code to allow a new gas sampling loop that includes a gas ! pump that requires turning on and off. Also, code will also be added ! to allow the switching on and off a secondary feed for the ATB experiment. ! 06 Aug 10 2.01 Added ASCO valve to control N2 on an added code to do so. ! 18 Aug 10 3.0 Adding ability to cycle gasses on user specified reactors, also added recovery file. ! 01 Sep 10 3.01 Added ability to execute batch file to update web page followind data save. ! 10 Sep 10 3.02 Option to turn pump off/on during gas monitoring option 4. ! Set valco value to port that is connected to the exit of the gas-mix tank. ! 11 Sep 10 3.03 Accounting for dilution of MC head space gas by sample loop. ! 12 Sep 10 3.04 More options regarding sample loop purging ! 13 Sep 10 4.0 Moved all routines to one file so that file versions are easier to handle. ! Changed loop and data file to allow for feed gas 2 sampling and saving to dat file ! Microcosm sample order now depends on state of feed gas 2 status. ! Allow feed gas 2 to be sampled with control via ASCO on/off valve. ! 30 Sep 10 4.01 Fixed problem with invalid filename causing program to crash in menu option 4. ! Notes for next version ! 1. Have gas mixture composition print in notes info (done V. 2.0) use ifport use ifwin use ifWINTY use ifcore use CommParameters implicit None integer iresult, i, j, portNo, byteCnt, ok2read integer dt(8), ifail, optNo, cntrl real(8) datavec(maxNoPorts,21), beginT, endT, loopStartT, loopCurT, loopMin character formStr*80, key*1, lineRead*80, tecStr*1000, longStr*120, version*20, ptN*2 logical keyHit, infoExists, datExists, rcvExists, getOpt, testing ! Declarations with Version 3.0 and above real(8) eltime, t2cycle logical saveData, OnOffExists character outStr*80, onoff*3 integer irow real(8) purgeTime, purgeTime0 integer iports(maxNoPorts), nports ! Data declarations for console cursor access integer fhandle logical logstat Type(T_CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO) conbuf Type (T_COORD) dwCursorPosition ! Program version version = '4.01 (30 Sept 2010)' ! Get the handle of the console fhandle = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE) ! Get name to label data files write(6,'(a)') 'Program Version: '//version write(6,'(a,$)') 'Enter file name for data (no extension): ' read(5,'(a)') filename ! Four files are used: ! contains information (notes) about the run ! filename.dat Contains the collected data. ! If either files already exists, then data is appended (allows for restarts) ! filename.rcv Contains all the user entered data to restart program. ! filename.OnOff Contains the times when feed gas swiching occurs. It may not be used, but will be created. ! See if the files exist inquire(file=trim(filename)//'.info' ,exist=infoExists) inquire(file=trim(filename)//'.dat' ,exist=datExists) inquire(file=trim(filename)//'.rcv' ,exist=rcvExists) inquire(file=trim(filename)//'.OnOff',exist=OnOffExists) !open files if (infoExists) then write(6,*) ' **Warning**: file: ',trim(filename)//'.info',' exits. Will append data' open(unit=infoUnit,file=trim(filename)//'.info',status='old',access='append') else open(unit=infoUnit,file=trim(filename)//'.info',status='new') end if if (datExists) then write(6,*) ' **Warning**: file: ',trim(filename)//'.dat',' exits. Will append data' open(unit=datUnit,file=trim(filename)//'.dat',status='old',access='append') else open(unit=datUnit,file=trim(filename)//'.dat',status='new') end if if (OnOffExists) then write(6,*) ' **Warning**: file: ',trim(filename)//'.OnOff',' exits. Will append data' open(unit=onOffUnit,file=trim(filename)//'.OnOff',status='old',access='append') else open(unit=onOffUnit,file=trim(filename)//'.OnOff',status='new') end if ! Setup com ports call initializePorts() ! Initialize the gas analyzer offsets (only needed if not sampling feed gas) o2Adj = 0.0; co2Adj = 0.0; ch4Adj = 0.0 feed2GasPort = 0 ! initialze to zero if not using. ! See if a recovery file exists if (rcvExists) then write(6,'(a,$)') 'Recovery file found! Do you wish to use it (y/n) ?' read(5,'(a)') lineRead if (scan(lineRead,'yY') /= 0) then call readRecovery else call getProgramRunParams end if else call getProgramRunParams end if ! Regardless of whether gas cycling is on or not, get status of valve call writeWeederT(feed2Stat) ! get responce, which should equal feed2L call readWeederT(outStr) if (outStr == feed2L) then Feed2GasOn = .true. else if (outStr == feed2H) then Feed2GasOn = .false. else write(6,'(a)') 'WARNING:: could not obtain status of feed gas 2 valve' write(6,'(2a)') 'WTDOT Output response was: ',trim(outStr) write(6,'(a)') 'Setting Feed2GasOn state to false' Feed2GasOn = .false. ! just set to off then end if if (feed2GasOn .and. (.not. gasCycleRunning) ) then write(6,'(a)') 'WARNING:: Feed 2 gas valve is on, but gasCycleRunning is false' write(6,'(a)') ' Will attempt to turn feed gas 2 valve off...' call writeWeederT(feed2Off) ! get responce, which should just be the return of command call readWeederT(outStr) if (outStr /= feed2Off) then write(6,'(a)') 'WARNING:: Failed to turn Feed 2 Gas off!' write(6,'(2a)') 'WTDOT Output response was: ',trim(outStr) end if end if ! Alow users to enter info about run: call DATE_AND_TIME (values=dt) write(infoUnit,'(a)') 'Program Version: '//version write(infoUnit,'(2(a,i2.2),a,i4,3(a,i2.2))') 'Program Started: ',dt(2),'/',dt(3),'/',dt(1),' ',dt(5),':',dt(6),':',dt(7) write(infoUnit,'(a,i2)') 'Mix-tank sample port: ', mixtankPort write(infoUnit,'(a,i2)') 'Mix-tank vent port: ', mixtankVentPort write(infoUnit,'(a,6(x,i1))') 'Microcosm ports: ',(MCports(i),i=1,nMCports) write(infoUnit,'(a,f5.1)') 'Sample loop purge time (min): ', SLpurgeTime write(infoUnit,'(a,f5.2)') 'Sample time (min): ', sampleTime write(infoUnit,'(a,f5.2)') 'Loop time (hr): ', loopTime/60.0 write(infoUnit,'(a,f6.2)') 'O2 feed (%): ', o2Feed write(infoUnit,'(a,f6.2)') 'CO2 feed (%): ', co2Feed write(infoUnit,'(a,f6.2)') 'CH4 feed (%): ', ch4Feed if (gasCycleRunning) then write(infoUnit,'(a,6(1x,i1))') 'The following MCs have been configured to have feed gas cycling:', (cycledPorts(i),i=1,ncycledPorts) write(infoUnit,'(a,f5.2,a)') 'Feed gas will be cycled every ', tCycleOnOff,' days.' write(infoUnit,'(a,i2)') 'Feed gas 2 port: ', feed2GasPort write(infoUnit,'(a,f6.2)') 'O2 feed 2 (%): ', o2Feed2 write(infoUnit,'(a,f6.2)') 'CO2 feed 2 (%): ', co2Feed2 write(infoUnit,'(a,f6.2)') 'CH4 feed 2 (%): ', ch4Feed2 end if write(infoUnit,'(a)') '--------------------------- Experiment Description ----------------------------' write(6,'(a)') 'Enter description of experiment. Blank line terminates entry.' do write(6,'(a,$)') '> ' read(5,'(a)') lineRead if (lineRead == ' ') exit write(infoUnit,'(a)') lineRead end do write(infoUnit,'(a)') '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------' write(infoUnit,*) ' ' ! Write tecplot header if this is a new data file if (.not. datExists) then tecStr = 'Variables = "M" "D" "Y" "Hr" "Min" "Sec" "O2 Feed" "CO2 Feed" "CH4 Feed" "O2 Feed 2" "CO2 Feed 2" "CH4 Feed 2"' longStr = ' "Time ## (d)" "Port ##" "Flow ## (sccm)" "O2r ## (%)" "O2 ## (%)" "CO2r ## (%)" "CO2 ## (%)" "CH4r ## (%)" "CH4 ## (%)"' ! Must have space for sampling mix tank and feed gas 2, even if not used. do i=1,2 ptN = 'F'//char(48+i) longStr(8:9) = ptN ! Time longStr(22:23) = ptN ! Port longStr(32:33) = ptN ! Flow longStr(48:49) = ptN ! O2r longStr(60:61) = ptN ! O2 longStr(74:75) = ptN ! CO2r longStr(87:88) = ptN ! CO2 longStr(101:102) = ptN ! CH4r longStr(114:115) = ptN ! CH4 tecStr = trim(tecStr)//longStr end do do i=1,nMCports ptN = 'M'//char(48+i) longStr(8:9) = ptN ! Time longStr(22:23) = ptN ! Port longStr(32:33) = ptN ! Flow longStr(48:49) = ptN ! O2r longStr(60:61) = ptN ! O2 longStr(74:75) = ptN ! CO2r longStr(87:88) = ptN ! CO2 longStr(101:102) = ptN ! CH4r longStr(114:115) = ptN ! CH4 tecStr = trim(tecStr)//longStr end do tecStr = trim(tecStr)//' "Notes"' write(datUnit,'(a)') tecStr write(datUnit,'(a)') 'Zone' end if ! Store the input info in a recovery file call writeRecovery ! ------------------------------------------------------ ! -------------- Begin Test loop --------------------- ! ------------------------------------------------------ write(6,'(a,$)') 'Do you want to test gas sampling loop hardware/software? (y/n): ' read(5,'(a)') lineRead testing = .false. if (scan(lineRead,'yY') /= 0) testing = .true. call setIports (iports, nports, Feed2GasOn) do while (testing) Write(6,'(a)') 'Running test reads...' call pumpOn () write(6,'(a)') 'Gas pump should be on, check flow' do i=1,nports ! Set the valve to position 1 to nports portNo = iports(i) Call valcoControl(portNo) call convPort2data (portNo, irow) ! row in datavec that the port correspond to. datavec(irow,14) = dble(portNo) call readGasAnalyzers (portNo,datavec(irow,:),tzero,.true.) longStr = '(2(i2.2,''/''),i4,1x,2(i2.2,'':''),i2.2,1x,i2,##x,f6.2,6x,f6.2,6x,f7.3,6x,f8.4)' write(longStr(43:44),'(i2)') 2*(i-1)+1 write(6,longStr) (int(datavec(irow,j)),j=1,6), int(datavec(irow,14)), real(datavec(irow,15)), (real(datavec(irow,j)),j=17,21,2) end do call pumpOff () write(6,'(a)') 'Gas pump should be off, check flow' write(6,'(a)') 'Done with test reads.' write(6,'(a$)') 'Run test reads again? (y/n): ' read(5,'(a)') lineRead testing = .false. if (scan(lineRead,'yY') /= 0) testing = .true. end do Write(6,'(a)') 'Sampling begining...' write(6,'(a)') 'Hit ESC at anytime to bring up Menu.' ! ------------------------------------------------------ ! -------------- Begin Sample loop --------------------- ! ------------------------------------------------------ noteFlag = 0 call pumpOff () ! make sure pump is off portNo = mixtankVentPort Call valcoControl(portNo) ! Move to valvo port connected to mix-tank VENT datavec(portNo,14) = dble(portNo) purgeTime0 = RTC() ! Start the clock on the purging of the sample loop with vent gas sampling: do call f2SampleGasOff ! make sure feed 2 gas sample valve is closed. ! Make sure sample loop has been purged with vent gas for at least SLpurgeTime amount of time. purgeTime = (RTC() - purgeTime0)/60.0 ! time that sample loop as been purged in min. do while (purgeTime < SLpurgeTime) purgeTime = (RTC() - purgeTime0)/60.0 ! get the cursor position logstat = GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(fhandle, conbuf) call readGasAnalyzers (portNo,datavec(portNo,:),tzero,.true.) longStr = '(''At: '',2(i2.2,'':''),i2.2,'' Port: '',i3,'' Flow: '',f6.2,'' O2: '',f6.2,'' CO2: '',f7.3,'' CH4: '',f8.4)' write(6,longStr) (int(datavec(portNo,j)),j=4,6), int(datavec(portNo,14)), real(datavec(portNo,15)), (real(datavec(portNo,j)),j=17,21,2) write(6,'(a,f5.1,a)') 'Need to wait ',SLpurgeTime-purgeTime,' min. for sample loop purge. ESC to skip.' ! put the cursor back to where it was logstat = SetConsoleCursorPosition(fhandle, conbuf.dwCursorPosition) call SLEEPQQ (10000) ! Sleep for 10 sec. ! See if ESC key was hit keyHit = PEEKCHARQQ ( ) if (keyHit) then !See if key hit is ESC, if so exit. key = GETCHARQQ( ) if (key == ESC) then write(6,'(//a,$)') 'Do you want to skip sample loop purge? (y/n): ' read(5,'(a)') lineRead if (scan(lineRead,'yY') /= 0) exit end if end if end do call cycleFeedGas2 ! set feed 2 gas valve position if using. ! Determine which ports to sample depending state of Feed2Gas valve call setIports (iports, nports, Feed2GasOn) portNo = iports(1) Call valcoControl(portNo) ! Move to mix-tank sample port ! turn gas pump on call pumpOn () saveData = .true. loopStartT = RTC() ! marks the time, in sec, that a sampling loop started readPort: do i=1,nports ! Set the valve to position 1 to nports portNo = iports(i) Call valcoControl(portNo) call convPort2data (portNo, irow) ! row in datavec that the port correspond to. if (portNo == feed2GasPort) call f2SampleGasOn ! open valve to sample feed 2 gas. datavec(irow,14) = dble(portNo) datavec(irow,7) = o2Feed datavec(irow,8) = co2Feed datavec(irow,9) = ch4Feed datavec(irow,10) = o2Feed2cur datavec(irow,11) = co2Feed2cur datavec(irow,12) = ch4Feed2cur ! Now wait sufficient time for system to be flushed (purgeTime) ! Get time in seconds since 1970 beginT = RTC() wait: do ! Sleepy sleep for 10 sec. call SLEEPQQ (10000) ! See if ESC key was hit keyHit = PEEKCHARQQ ( ) if (keyHit) then !See if key hit is ESC, if is so exit. key = GETCHARQQ( ) if (key == ESC) then call pumpOff () ! turn pump off while in menu. call shortMenu(noteCnt, cntrl) select case (cntrl) case(1) ! just continue sampling port like nothing happened. call pumpOn () ! turn pump on and return to sampling. case(2) ! restart readPort sample loop, do not save anything purgeTime0 = RTC() ! Assume sample loop got contaminated cycle sampling case(3) ! exit readPort sample loop, do not save anything saveData = .false. exit readPort case(9) ! exit program write(6,'(a,$)') 'Exit program? (y/n): ' read(5,'(a)') lineRead if (scan(lineRead,'yY') /= 0) exit sampling call pumpOn () ! turn pump on and return to sampling. end select ! if neither case is selected, just continue sampling port end if end if endT = RTC() if ( (endT-beginT)/60. >= sampleTime ) exit wait ! ok, just print update, but don't store. call readGasAnalyzers (portNo,datavec(irow,:),tzero,.false.) ! get the cursor position logstat = GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(fhandle, conbuf) ! write current reading out at the same location longStr = '(''Purge t:'',f4.1,,'' min'','' Port:'',i2,'' Flow: '',f6.2,'' O2:'',f6.2,'' CO2:'',f7.3,'' CH4:'',f8.4)' write(6,longStr) (endT-beginT)/60., int(datavec(irow,14)), real(datavec(irow,15)), (real(datavec(irow,j)),j=17,21,2) ! put the cursor back to where it was logstat = SetConsoleCursorPosition(fhandle, conbuf.dwCursorPosition) end do wait call readGasAnalyzers (portNo,datavec(irow,:),tzero,.false.) if (portNo == feed2GasPort) call f2SampleGasOff ! close valve to sample feed 2 gas. longStr = '(2(i2.2,''/''),i4,1x,2(i2.2,'':''),i2.2,1x,i2,##x,f6.2,6x,f6.2,6x,f7.3,6x,f8.4)' write(longStr(43:44),'(i2)') 2*(i-1)+1 formStr = ' ' write(formStr,longStr) (int(datavec(irow,j)),j=1,6), int(datavec(irow,14)), real(datavec(irow,15)), (real(datavec(irow,j)),j=17,21,2) write(6,'(a)') formStr(1:79) ! Set the concentration of the gases in the sample loop to the current measured value SL_o2 = SL_o2_new; SL_co2 = SL_co2_new; SL_ch4 = SL_ch4_new end do readPort ! Turn gas pump off call pumpOff () call f2SampleGasOff ! make sure feed 2 sample valve is off ! Store data in *.dat file (designed for Tecplot read) if (saveData) then ! Feed gas 2 was not sampled, then just copy info from main feed sampling if (.not. Feed2GasOn) datavec(2,:) = datavec(1,:) longStr = '(2(f3.0,1x),f5.0,3(1x,f3.0),6(1x,f7.4),#(1x,f10.5,1x,f4.0,3(1x,f6.2),2(1x,f7.3),2(1x,f8.4),1x),i3)' write(longStr(40:40),'(i1)') nMCports+2 write(datUnit,longStr) (datavec(1,j),j=1,12), ((datavec(i,j),j=13,21),i=1,nMCports+2), noteCnt*noteFlag noteFlag = 0 ! Generate tecplot images for web page by calling dos command batch file. iresult = system('exportImages.bat > exportImages.txt') end if ! Now wait loopTime until time to begin next total sampling purgeTime0 = RTC() ! Start the clock on the purging of the sample loop with vent gas loopWait: do ! make sure that the gas-mix tank is purging the sample loop. portNo = mixtankVentPort ! port connected to exit of gas mix tank Call valcoControl(portNo) datavec(portNo,14) = dble(portNo) call cycleFeedGas2 ! set feed 2 gas valve position if using. loopCurT = RTC() ! get current time, in sec, and check loop time. loopMin = (loopCurT-loopStartT)/60.0 if ( loopMin >= loopTime ) exit loopWait ! get the cursor position logstat = GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(fhandle, conbuf) call readGasAnalyzers (portNo,datavec(portNo,:),tzero,.true.) longStr = '(''At: '',2(i2.2,'':''),i2.2,'' Port: '',i3,'' Flow: '',f6.2,'' O2: '',f6.2,'' CO2: '',f7.3,'' CH4: '',f8.4)' write(6,longStr) (int(datavec(portNo,j)),j=4,6), int(datavec(portNo,14)), real(datavec(portNo,15)), (real(datavec(portNo,j)),j=17,21,2) write(6,'(a,f7.2,a)') 'Time to next sampling: ',loopTime-loopMin, & ' (min). Hit ESC for LONG menu' if (gasCycleRunning) then if (Feed2GasOn) then onoff = ' on' else onoff = 'off' end if call DATE_AND_TIME (values=dt) call julday(dt(1),dt(2),dt(3),dt(5),dt(6),real(dt(7)),eltime,ifail) eltime = eltime - t0GasCycling ! elapsed time in days since start of gas cycling t2cycle = tcycleOnOff - mod(eltime,tcycleOnOff) write(6,'(3a,f6.3,a)') 'Gas feed 2 valve is ', onoff,'. Valve cycle in ',t2cycle,' days.' end if logstat = SetConsoleCursorPosition(fhandle, conbuf.dwCursorPosition) ! Sleepy sleep for 10 sec. call SLEEPQQ (10000) ! See if ESC key was hit keyHit = PEEKCHARQQ ( ) if (keyHit) then !See if key hit is ESC, if is so exit. key = GETCHARQQ( ) if (key == ESC) then call longMenu(noteCnt, cntrl) select case (cntrl) case(1) ! just continue sampling port like nothing happened. cycle loopWait case(2) ! restart sample loop BEFORE loopTime has expired exit loopWait case(3) ! Get new feed gas concentrations, but continue to wait cycle loopWait case(4) ! Record gas analyzer data, but continue to wait on return. purgeTime0 = RTC() ! Assume sample loop got contaminated cycle loopWait case(5) ! Turn gas cycling on, but continue to wait. cycle loopWait case(6) ! Turn gas cycling off, but continue to wait. cycle loopWait case(7) ! Test feed gas cycling valve, but continue to wait. cycle loopWait case(8) ! Enter note, but continue to wait. cycle loopWait case(9) ! Get new headspace gas volumes, but continue to wait. cycle loopWait case(10) ! exit program write(6,'(a,$)') 'Exit program? (y/n): ' read(5,'(a)') lineRead if (scan(lineRead,'yY') /= 0) exit sampling cycle loopWait end select ! if no case is selected, just continue to wait (shouldn't happen) end if end if end do loopWait end do sampling ! ------------------------------------------------------ ! -------------- End Main Sampling Loop ----------------- ! ------------------------------------------------------ ! make sure pump is off and feed 2 sample valve is closed. ! however, leave the feed gas switcing valve unchanged. ! place valco port onto purging with vent gas call pumpOff () call f2SampleGasOff portNo = mixtankVentPort Call valcoControl(portNo) ! Move to valvo port connected to mix-tank VENT ! Let user know status of port before leaving program. call writeWeederT(feed2Stat) ! get responce, which should just be the return of command call readWeederT(outStr) if (outStr == feed2L) then write(6,'(/a)') 'NOTE: feed gas 2 valve is ON' else if (outStr == feed2H) then write(6,'(/a)') 'NOTE: feed gas 2 valve is OFF' else write(6,'(/a)') 'WARNING:: could not obtain status of feed gas 2 valve' write(6,'(2a)') ' WTDOT Output response was: ',trim(outStr) write(6,'(a)') ' You should check valve status manualy!' Feed2GasOn = .false. ! just set to off then end if ! Release all the ports iresult = SPORT_RELEASE (oxigrafPort) iresult = SPORT_RELEASE (ch4Port ) iresult = SPORT_RELEASE (valcoPort ) iresult = SPORT_RELEASE (mfmPort ) iresult = SPORT_RELEASE (WTDOTport ) ! Although recovery file should be up to date, write anyway call writeRecovery close(unit=infoUnit) close(unit=datUnit ) close(unit=onOffUnit ) stop end program MonitorGases subroutine shortMenu(noteCnt, optNo) use DFLIB use CommParameters, only: noteFlag, infoUnit, o2Feed, co2Feed, ch4Feed, gasCycleRunning, & o2Feed2, co2Feed2, ch4Feed2, ncycledPorts, cycledPorts, tCycleOnOff, & feed2Off, feed2On implicit none integer noteCnt, optNo ! Local declarations integer dt(8), input logical getOpt character formStr*80, lineRead*80, outStr*80 CALL BEEPQQ(1000, 2000) getOpt = .true. opt: do while (getOpt) write(6,'(/)') write(6,'(a)') 'Sampling Paused; Options:' write(6,'(a)') ' 1. Return to sampling.' write(6,'(a)') ' 2. Restart sample loop imediately after entering a note.' write(6,'(a)') ' 3. Exit current sampling w/o saving this data point.' write(6,'(a)') ' 9. Exit program.' read(5,*) optNo select case (optNo) case(1) ! Just return like nothing happened. write(6,*) ' Returning to sampling, press ESC for menu' write(6,*) ' ' getOpt = .false. case(2) ! Restart sample loop and the entering of a note noteCnt = noteCnt + 1 noteFlag = 1 call DATE_AND_TIME (values=dt) write(formStr,'(2(a,i2.2),a,i4,3(a,i2.2),a)') & ' (',int(dt(2)),'/',int(dt(3)),'/',int(dt(1)),' ',int(dt(5)),':',int(dt(6)),':',int(dt(7)),')' write(infoUnit,'(a,i3,a)') 'Note Number: ',noteCnt,trim(formStr) write(6,'(a,i3)') 'Enter description for Note: ',noteCnt write(6,'(a)') 'Enter blank line to return to sampling (calibrate before returning)' do write(6,'(a,$)') '> ' read(5,'(a)') lineRead if (lineRead == ' ') exit write(infoUnit,'(a)') lineRead end do write(infoUnit,'(a)') '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------' write(infoUnit,*) ' ' getOpt = .false. write(6,*) ' ** Returing to sampling, press ESC for menu' case(3) write(6,*) ' Returning to sampling, press ESC for menu' write(6,*) ' ' getOpt = .false. case(9) write(6,*) ' Exiting program.' getOpt = .false. case default write(6,*) ' ** Option not recognized, try again **' end select end do opt return end subroutine shortMenu subroutine longMenu(noteCnt, optNo) use DFLIB use CommParameters, only: noteFlag, infoUnit, o2Feed, co2Feed, ch4Feed, gasCycleRunning, & o2Feed2, co2Feed2, ch4Feed2, ncycledPorts, cycledPorts, tCycleOnOff, & feed2Off, feed2On, writeRecovery, o2Feed2Cur, co2Feed2Cur, ch4Feed2Cur, & feed2GasPort, MCheadSpaceVol, SLvol, nMCports implicit none integer noteCnt, optNo ! Local declarations integer dt(8), input, i logical getOpt character formStr*80, lineRead*80, outStr*80 CALL BEEPQQ(1000, 2000) getOpt = .true. opt: do while (getOpt) write(6,'(//)') write(6,'(a)') 'Sampling Paused; Options:' write(6,'(a)') ' 1. Return to sampling.' write(6,'(a)') ' 2. Restart sample loop IMMEDIATELY after entering a note.' write(6,'(a)') ' 3. Enter new feed gas conc. and note.' write(6,'(a)') ' 4. Begin recording gas analyzer readings.' write(6,'(a)') ' 5. Begin gas cycling with Feed 2.' write(6,'(a)') ' 6. End gas cycling of Feed 2.' write(6,'(a)') ' 7. Test feed gas cycling valve.' write(6,'(a)') ' 8. Enter a note, but continue to wait for next sample event.' write(6,'(a)') ' 9. Enter new microcosm headspace gas volumes.' write(6,'(a)') ' 10. Exit program' read(5,*) optNo select case (optNo) case(1) write(6,*) ' Returning to sampling, press ESC for menu' write(6,*) ' ' getOpt = .false. case(2) ! Enter a note and start sampling MCs imediatly on return. noteCnt = noteCnt + 1 noteFlag = 1 call DATE_AND_TIME (values=dt) write(formStr,'(2(a,i2.2),a,i4,3(a,i2.2),a)') & ' (',int(dt(2)),'/',int(dt(3)),'/',int(dt(1)),' ',int(dt(5)),':',int(dt(6)),':',int(dt(7)),')' write(infoUnit,'(a,i3,a)') 'Note Number: ',noteCnt,trim(formStr) write(6,'(a,i3)') 'Enter description for Note: ',noteCnt write(6,'(a)') 'Enter blank line to return to sampling (calibrate before returning)' do write(6,'(a,$)') '> ' read(5,'(a)') lineRead if (lineRead == ' ') exit write(infoUnit,'(a)') lineRead end do write(infoUnit,'(a)') '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------' write(infoUnit,*) ' ' getOpt = .false. write(6,*) ' ** Returing to sampling, press ESC for menu' case(3) noteCnt = noteCnt + 1 noteFlag = 1 ! Get concentrations of feed gas write(6,'(a)') 'Enter feed gas concentrations:' write(6,'(a,$)') 'O2 (%): ' read(5,*) o2Feed write(6,'(a,$)') 'CO2 (%): ' read(5,*) co2Feed write(6,'(a,$)') 'CH4 (%): ' read(5,*) ch4Feed if (gasCycleRunning) then write(6,'(a)') 'Enter feed 2 gas concentrations:' write(6,'(a,$)') 'O2 (%): ' read(5,*) o2Feed2 write(6,'(a,$)') 'CO2 (%): ' read(5,*) co2Feed2 write(6,'(a,$)') 'CH4 (%): ' read(5,*) ch4Feed2 end if call DATE_AND_TIME (values=dt) write(formStr,'(2(a,i2.2),a,i4,3(a,i2.2),a)') & ' (',int(dt(2)),'/',int(dt(3)),'/',int(dt(1)),' ',int(dt(5)),':',int(dt(6)),':',int(dt(7)),')' write(infoUnit,'(a,i3,a)') 'Note Number: ',noteCnt,trim(formStr) write(infoUnit,'(a)' ) 'New feed gas composition entered:' write(infoUnit,'(a,f6.2)') ' O2 feed (%): ', o2Feed write(infoUnit,'(a,f6.2)') ' CO2 feed (%): ', co2Feed write(infoUnit,'(a,f6.2)') ' CH4 feed (%): ', ch4Feed if (gasCycleRunning) then write(infoUnit,'(a)') 'New feed 2 gas composition entered:' write(infoUnit,'(a,f6.2)') ' O2 feed 2 (%): ', o2Feed2 write(infoUnit,'(a,f6.2)') ' CO2 feed 2 (%): ', co2Feed2 write(infoUnit,'(a,f6.2)') ' CH4 feed 2 (%): ', ch4Feed2 end if write(6,'(a,i3)') 'Enter description for Note: ',noteCnt write(6,'(a)') 'Enter blank line to return to sampling (calibrate before returning)' do write(6,'(a,$)') '> ' read(5,'(a)') lineRead if (lineRead == ' ') exit write(infoUnit,'(a)') lineRead end do write(infoUnit,'(a)') '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------' write(infoUnit,*) ' ' getOpt = .false. call writeRecovery ! update recovery file write(6,*) ' ** Returing to sampling, press ESC for menu' case(4) ! Save gas anlyzer data to a specified file call readAndStoreAnalzers (1) write(6,'(/,a)') ' ** Returing to sampling, press ESC for menu' getOpt = .false. case(5) ! Begin cycling of feed gas 2 noteCnt = noteCnt + 1 noteFlag = 1 gasCycleRunning = .true. call gasCyclingParams call DATE_AND_TIME (values=dt) write(formStr,'(2(a,i2.2),a,i4,3(a,i2.2),a)') & ' (',int(dt(2)),'/',int(dt(3)),'/',int(dt(1)),' ',int(dt(5)),':',int(dt(6)),':',int(dt(7)),')' write(infoUnit,'(a,i3,a)') 'Note Number: ',noteCnt,trim(formStr) write(infoUnit,'(a,6(1x,i1))') 'The following MCs have been configured to have feed gas cycling:' & , (cycledPorts(i),i=1,ncycledPorts) write(infoUnit,'(a,f5.2,a)') 'Feed gas will be cycled every ', tCycleOnOff,' days.' write(infoUnit,'(a,i2)') 'Feed gas 2 port: ', feed2GasPort write(infoUnit,'(a,f6.2)') 'O2 feed 2 (%): ', o2Feed2 write(infoUnit,'(a,f6.2)') 'CO2 feed 2 (%): ', co2Feed2 write(infoUnit,'(a,f6.2)') 'CH4 feed 2 (%): ', ch4Feed2 write(6,'(a,i3)') 'Enter description for Note: ',noteCnt write(6,'(a)') 'Enter blank line to return to sampling (calibrate before returning)' do write(6,'(a,$)') '> ' read(5,'(a)') lineRead if (lineRead == ' ') exit write(infoUnit,'(a)') lineRead end do write(infoUnit,'(a)') '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------' write(infoUnit,*) ' ' getOpt = .false. call writeRecovery ! update recovery file write(6,*) ' ** Returing to sampling, press ESC for menu' case(6) ! Stop gas cycling noteCnt = noteCnt + 1 noteFlag = 1 gasCycleRunning = .false. ! Make sure valve if off call forceFeedGas2Valve (0) ! Add a note. call DATE_AND_TIME (values=dt) write(formStr,'(2(a,i2.2),a,i4,3(a,i2.2),a)') & ' (',int(dt(2)),'/',int(dt(3)),'/',int(dt(1)),' ',int(dt(5)),':',int(dt(6)),':',int(dt(7)),')' write(infoUnit,'(a,i3,a)') 'Note Number: ',noteCnt,trim(formStr) write(infoUnit,'(a)') ' Gas cycling of feed 2 turned off' write(6,'(a,i3)') 'Enter description for Note: ',noteCnt write(6,'(a)') 'Enter blank line to return to sampling (calibrate before returning)' do write(6,'(a,$)') '> ' read(5,'(a)') lineRead if (lineRead == ' ') exit write(infoUnit,'(a)') lineRead end do write(infoUnit,'(a)') '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------' write(infoUnit,*) ' ' getOpt = .false. call writeRecovery ! update recovery file write(6,*) ' ** Returing to sampling, press ESC for menu' case(7) ! Test feed cycling valve write(6,'(a)') 'If gas cycling is ON, the valve status will revert to what it was on return.' write(6,'(a)') 'But, if gas cycling is OFF, valve retains state on return to sampling!!' do write(6,'(a,$)') 'Enter 1 to turn feed gas 2 valve on, 0 for off, or to exit: ' read(5,'(a)') lineRead if (lineRead == ' ') exit read(lineRead,*) input call forceFeedGas2Valve (input) end do getOpt = .false. write(6,*) ' ** Returing to sampling, press ESC for menu' case(8) ! Pause to allow entering of a note ! Unlike option 2, this just continues to wait until next sampling event. noteCnt = noteCnt + 1 noteFlag = 1 call DATE_AND_TIME (values=dt) write(formStr,'(2(a,i2.2),a,i4,3(a,i2.2),a)') & ' (',int(dt(2)),'/',int(dt(3)),'/',int(dt(1)),' ',int(dt(5)),':',int(dt(6)),':',int(dt(7)),')' write(infoUnit,'(a,i3,a)') 'Note Number: ',noteCnt,trim(formStr) write(6,'(a,i3)') 'Enter description for Note: ',noteCnt write(6,'(a)') 'Enter blank line to return to sampling.' do write(6,'(a,$)') '> ' read(5,'(a)') lineRead if (lineRead == ' ') exit write(infoUnit,'(a)') lineRead end do write(infoUnit,'(a)') '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------' write(infoUnit,*) ' ' getOpt = .false. write(6,*) ' ** Returing to sampling, press ESC for menu' case(9) ! Enter new values for MC headspace gas volume (mL) write(6,'(a)') 'Enter headspace gas volumes for MCs (mL): ' read(5,*) (MCheadSpaceVol(i),i=1,nMCports) write(6,'(a,$)') 'Enter gas volume of sample loop (mL): ' read(5,*) SLvol call writeRecovery ! update recovery file getOpt = .false. case(10) write(6,*) ' Exiting program.' getOpt = .false. case default write(6,*) ' ** Option not recognized, try again **' end select end do opt return end subroutine longMenu subroutine convPort2data (iport, idatavec) ! This routine maps the port number to the correct datavec row. ! The datavec rows correspond as follows, regardless of sampling or use of a second feed gas: ! [mixtankPort, feed2gasPort, MCports(1), ..., MCports(nMCports)] use CommParameters, only: mixtankPort, feed2GasPort, MCports, nMCports implicit none integer iport, idatavec integer i if (iport == mixtankPort) then idatavec = 1 return end if if (iport == feed2gasPort) then idatavec = 2 return end if do i=1,nMCports if (iport == MCports(i)) then idatavec = i+2 return end if end do write(6,'(a)') 'ERROR::convPort2data: port value incorrect, Stopping!' write(6,'(a,i)') ' iport = ',iport stop end subroutine convPort2data Subroutine readGasAnalyzers (iport,datavec,tzero,NoAdjust) use CommParameters, only: o2Adj, co2Adj, ch4Adj, o2Feed, co2Feed, ch4Feed, & SL_O2, SL_CO2, SL_CH4, SLvol, MCheadSpaceVol, & SL_o2_new, SL_co2_new, SL_ch4_new, mixtankVentPort, & mixtankPort, feed2GasPort, o2Feed2, co2Feed2, ch4Feed2 implicit none integer iport ! current valco port selected logical NoAdjust ! If true, not adjustment is done to the "corrected" gas values real(8) datavec(*), tzero !local declarations integer dt(8), ifail, i real flow, o2, co2, ch4 ! Get time stamp and julian time call DATE_AND_TIME (values=dt) datavec(1:6) = (/dble(dt(2)),dble(dt(3)),dble(dt(1)),dble(dt(5)),dble(dt(6)),dble(dt(7))/) call julday(dt(1),dt(2),dt(3),dt(5),dt(6),real(dt(7)),datavec(13),ifail) datavec(13) = datavec(13) - tzero ! Sample Mass flow meter call readMassFlowMeter (flow) datavec(15) = dble(flow) ! Sample oxigraph call readOxigraf(o2, co2) datavec(16) = dble(o2) datavec(18) = dble(co2) ! Sample CH4 call readCH4 (ch4) datavec(20) = dble(ch4) ! Copy this data over to the "adjusted" gas values columns datavec(17) = datavec(16) datavec(19) = datavec(18) datavec(21) = datavec(20) if (NoAdjust) return if (iport == mixtankPort .or. iport == feed2GasPort) then ! Either mix tank (feed 1) or feed 2 port is being sampled, so generate offsets if (iport == mixtankPort) then o2Adj = o2 - o2Feed co2Adj = co2 - co2Feed ch4Adj = ch4 - ch4Feed datavec(17) = dble(o2Adj) datavec(19) = dble(co2Adj) datavec(21) = dble(ch4Adj) else ! Note, if the feed2gasPort is being sampled, then the feed 2 gas MUST be on. o2Adj = o2 - o2Feed2 co2Adj = co2 - co2Feed2 ch4Adj = ch4 - ch4Feed2 datavec(17) = dble(o2Adj) datavec(19) = dble(co2Adj) datavec(21) = dble(ch4Adj) end if ! Store the observed concentration to use for the next SL values SL_o2_new = o2 - o2Adj SL_co2_new = co2 - co2Adj SL_ch4_new = ch4 - ch4Adj else if (iport == mixtankVentPort) then ! Sample loop is being purged with mix-tank vent gas, just report the values as is datavec(17) = datavec(16) datavec(19) = datavec(18) datavec(21) = datavec(20) else ! A microcosm is being sampled, so acount for offset and dilution due to sample loop volume. datavec(17) = datavec(16) - dble(o2Adj) datavec(19) = datavec(18) - dble(co2Adj) datavec(21) = datavec(20) - dble(ch4Adj) ! Store the observed concentration to use for the next SL values SL_o2_new = datavec(17) SL_co2_new = datavec(19) SL_ch4_new = datavec(21) ! Correct for dulition of MC headspace by sample loop gas. call convPort2data (iport, i); i = i - 2 ! i is the microcosm number, as listed in MCports. datavec(17) = datavec(17)*(1.0 + SLvol/MCheadSpaceVol(i)) - SL_O2 *SLvol/MCheadSpaceVol(i) datavec(19) = datavec(19)*(1.0 + SLvol/MCheadSpaceVol(i)) - SL_CO2*SLvol/MCheadSpaceVol(i) datavec(21) = datavec(21)*(1.0 + SLvol/MCheadSpaceVol(i)) - SL_CH4*SLvol/MCheadSpaceVol(i) end if return end Subroutine readGasAnalyzers subroutine getProgramRunParams use CommParameters implicit none ! This routine get the program run parameters from the user ! Note, these parameters are latter saved in a recovery file that will ! be read in. ! Local declarations character lineRead*80 integer dt(8), i, ifail real TinHours integer t0day, t0month, t0year ! date to base tzero on. do write(6,'(a,$)') 'Enter number of microcosms to sample: ' read(5,*) nMCports if (nMCports+3 > maxNoPorts) then write(6,*) 'Error:: max number of ports: ',maxNoPorts else exit end if end do ! Get which ports to sample ! Note, it is now assumed that the gas feed stream will always be available to sample (mix tank) write(6,'(a,$)') ' Enter ports connected to MCs: ' read(5,*) (MCports(i),i=1,nMCports) ! Find how ports connected to gas mix-tank. write(6,'(a,$)') 'Enter port for sampling mix-tank: ' read(5,*) mixtankPort write(6,'(a,$)') 'Enter port connected to mix-tank vent: ' read(5,*) mixtankVentPort write(6,'(a,$)') 'Minimum time to purge sample loop with mix-tank vent gas (min): ' read(5,*) SLpurgeTime write(6,'(a)') 'Enter headspace gas volumes for MCs (mL): ' read(5,*) (MCheadSpaceVol(i),i=1,nMCports) write(6,'(a,$)') 'Enter gas volume of sample loop (mL): ' read(5,*) SLvol ! Get concentrations of feed gas write(6,'(a)') 'Enter feed gas concentrations:' write(6,'(a,$)') 'O2 (%): ' read(5,*) o2Feed write(6,'(a,$)') 'CO2 (%): ' read(5,*) co2Feed write(6,'(a,$)') 'CH4 (%): ' read(5,*) ch4Feed ! Get time to collect a sample write(6,'(a,$)') 'Enter time to purge and sample a single microcosm (min): ' read(5,*) sampleTime ! Get time to wait to purge gas samplers write(6,'(a,$)') 'Enter how often to initiate sampling of reactors (hrs): ' read(5,*) TinHours loopTime = TinHours*60.0 ! loopTime is stored as min., but input from user is in hours. if (sampleTime*(nMCports+2) > loopTime) write(6,*) 'Warning, total MC sample time exceeds MC sampling loop time!' ! Aks user if gas cycling of feed 2 is currently running from previous program run. ! This could occur if the program was stopped while running gas cycling and the recovery ! file is either not present or was not used by user. write(6,'(a,$)') 'Is gas cycling of feed 2 currently running or start it now? (y/n): ' read(5,'(a)') lineRead gasCycleRunning = .false. if (scan(lineRead,'yY') /= 0) gasCycleRunning = .true. if (gasCycleRunning) call gasCyclingParams ! Get date for zero time write(6,'(a,$)') 'Enter month, day, year of Tzero (return to use today): ' read(5,'(a)') lineRead if (lineRead == ' ') then call DATE_AND_TIME (values=dt) t0day = dt(3) t0month = dt(2) t0year = dt(1) else read(lineRead,*) t0month, t0day, t0year end if ! Set time zero based on above date. This will be used to ease tecplot graphing call julday(t0year,t0month,t0day,0,0,0.0,tzero,ifail) ! Get number to start notes write(6,'(a$)') 'Number to begin note count (hit return to start at 1): ' read(5,'(a)') lineRead if (lineRead == ' ') then noteCnt = 0 else read(lineRead,*) noteCnt end if return end subroutine getProgramRunParams subroutine gasCyclingParams ! This gets the conditions for gas cycling use CommParameters implicit none ! local declarations character lineRead*80 integer dt(8), ifail, i ! Get start time of gas cycling write(6,'(a,$)') 'Enter Julian day of start of gas cycling (return to start now): ' read(5,'(a)') lineRead if (lineRead == ' ') then call DATE_AND_TIME (values=dt) ! get date and time call julday(dt(1),dt(2),dt(3),dt(5),dt(6),real(dt(7)),t0GasCycling,ifail) ! convert to julian day else read(lineRead,*) t0GasCycling end if write(6,'(a,$)') 'How many MCs will have cycled feed gas? ' read(5,*) ncycledPorts write(6,'(a,$)') 'Which MCs will have cycled feed gas? ' read(5,*) (cycledPorts(i),i=1,ncycledPorts) write(6,'(a,$)') 'Enter port for feed gas 2 sampling: ' read(5,*) feed2GasPort write(6,'(a,$)') 'Enter number of days to cycle between feed gases: ' read(5,*) tCycleOnOff write(6,'(a)') 'Enter feed 2 gas concentrations:' write(6,'(a,$)') 'O2 (%): ' read(5,*) o2Feed2 write(6,'(a,$)') 'CO2 (%): ' read(5,*) co2Feed2 write(6,'(a,$)') 'CH4 (%): ' read(5,*) ch4Feed2 return end subroutine gasCyclingParams subroutine setIports (iports, nports, feed2On) ! This routine sets up the list of ports to sample depending on whether the feed2 gas ! is currently on. use CommParameters, only: mixtankPort, feed2GasPort, mixtankVentPort, & MCports,cycledPorts,nMCports,ncycledPorts implicit none integer nports, iports(*) logical feed2On ! local declarations integer i, j, nonCycled ! executable code iports(1) = mixtankPort ! is always sampled first to obtain instrument drift if (feed2On) then ! Set both cycled and non cycled ports, as well as the sampling of feed 2 gas nonCycled = 0 MCscan: do i=1,nMCports do j=1,ncycledPorts if(MCports(i) == cycledPorts(j)) cycle MCscan end do nonCycled = nonCycled + 1 iports(nonCycled+1) = MCports(i) end do MCscan iports(nonCycled+2) = feed2GasPort ! this samples the feed gas 2 port do j=1,ncycledPorts iports(nonCycled+2+j) = cycledPorts(j) end do nports = nMCports + 2 if (nonCycled+2+ncycledPorts /= nports) then write(6,'(a)') 'ERROR:: cycled ports not part of MC port list; STOPPING!!' stop end if else ! Just include the list of MC ports, and no need to sample feed gas 2 do i=1,nMCports iports(i+1) = MCports(i) end do nports = nMCports + 1 end if return end subroutine setIports subroutine initializePorts() !This routine sets up communication to equipment attached to RS 232 Serial Ports. ! 20 Mar 2010 Ver 2: Changed setup of valco port. ! 03 Aug 2010 Ver 2.1: Added setup of WTDOT board use IFWINTY use IFPORT use CommParameters implicit None integer iresult integer baud, parity, dbits, sbits ! Connect to all ports iresult = SPORT_CONNECT (oxigrafPort,DL_TERM_CRLF) !Oxigraf output terminated by crlf iresult = SPORT_CONNECT (ch4Port) ! For Valco, toss CR from string on read, adds CR to write string, and end a read when a CR is encountered in buffer. iresult = SPORT_CONNECT (valcoPort,(DL_TOSS_CR .or. DL_OUT_CR .or. DL_TERM_CR)) iresult = SPORT_CONNECT (mfmPort ,(DL_OUT_CR .or. DL_OUT_LF .or. DL_TERM_CRLF)) !MKS 660B I/O Terminated with CRLF iresult = SPORT_CONNECT (WTDOTport,(DL_TOSS_CR .or. DL_OUT_CR .or. DL_TERM_CR)) ! Purge the serial ports iresult = SPORT_PURGE (oxigrafPort, (PURGE_TXABORT .or. PURGE_RXABORT .or. PURGE_TXCLEAR .or. PURGE_RXCLEAR)) iresult = SPORT_PURGE (ch4Port, (PURGE_TXABORT .or. PURGE_RXABORT .or. PURGE_TXCLEAR .or. PURGE_RXCLEAR)) iresult = SPORT_PURGE (valcoPort, (PURGE_TXABORT .or. PURGE_RXABORT .or. PURGE_TXCLEAR .or. PURGE_RXCLEAR)) iresult = SPORT_PURGE (mfmPort, (PURGE_TXABORT .or. PURGE_RXABORT .or. PURGE_TXCLEAR .or. PURGE_RXCLEAR)) iresult = SPORT_PURGE (WTDOTport, (PURGE_TXABORT .or. PURGE_RXABORT .or. PURGE_TXCLEAR .or. PURGE_RXCLEAR)) ! First Cancel communications to all ports iresult = SPORT_CANCEL_IO (oxigrafPort) iresult = SPORT_CANCEL_IO (ch4Port) iresult = SPORT_CANCEL_IO (valcoPort) iresult = SPORT_CANCEL_IO (mfmPort) iresult = SPORT_CANCEL_IO (WTDOTport) ! Set communcation specifics on all open ports baud = 9600; parity = 0; dbits = 8; sbits = 0 !(note, sbits = 0 means stop bits = 1) iresult = SPORT_SET_STATE (oxigrafPort , baud, parity, dbits, sbits) iresult = SPORT_SET_STATE (ch4Port , baud, parity, dbits, sbits) iresult = SPORT_SET_STATE (valcoPort , baud, parity, dbits, sbits) iresult = SPORT_SET_STATE (mfmPort , baud, parity, dbits, sbits) iresult = SPORT_SET_STATE (WTDOTport , baud, parity, dbits, sbits) ! Set the oxigraf to report once ! Only print info out once (ie. report period) iresult = SPORT_WRITE_DATA (oxigrafPort, ESC//'P0;', 0) return end subroutine initializePorts subroutine openUnit (iunit, promptStr) ! This opens a file for data output. implicit none integer iunit, iovar ! which unit to open character promptStr*(*) ! String to prompt user with ! Local declarations character fname*80, yesno*3 logical fileExists do write(6,'(a,$)') promptStr read(5,'(a)') fname ! See if the files exist inquire(file=trim(fname), exist=fileExists) if (fileExists) then write(6,'(a,$)') 'File exists, overwrite (y/n): ' read(5,'(a)') yesno if (scan(yesno,'yY') /= 0) then open(unit=iunit,file=trim(fname),status='old', iostat=iovar) if (iovar /= 0) then write(6,'(a)') 'Warning, could not open file, probably invalid filename...' cycle end if exit end if else open(unit=iunit,file=trim(fname),status='new', iostat=iovar) if (iovar /= 0) then write(6,'(a)') 'Warning, could not open file, probably invalid filename...' cycle end if exit end if end do return end subroutine openUnit subroutine readAndStoreAnalzers(iunit) ! This routine repetitively reads the gas anlyzers and stores their ! value in a user specified file. Reading stops only when the user ! hits the ESC key. ! 24 Aug 10: Ver 2, changed elements of datevec for Ver 3.0 of main changes. ! 12 Sep 10: Ver 3.04, this calls readGasAnalyzersNC instead now. use ifwin use ifWINTY use ifcore use CommParameters, only: ESC, feed2GasPort, mixtankVentPort use IFPORT implicit none integer iunit ! Local declarations integer readFreq ! Time between analyzer reads (sec). integer iport, dt(8), ifail, j, iread character fname*80, lineRead*80, longStr*113, key*1 real(8) datavec(21), tzero logical sampleFeed, keyHit, fileExists, turnPumpOn, turnFeed2On ! Data declarations for console cursor access integer fhandle logical logstat Type (T_CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO) conbuf Type (T_COORD) dwCursorPosition ! Get the handle of the console fhandle = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE) do ! allow the user to rerun this routine call openUnit (iunit, 'Enter name of file to store data: ') write(6,'(a)') 'Enter description for file header and end with a blank line' do write(6,'(a,$)') '> ' read(5,'(a)') lineRead if (lineRead == ' ') exit write(iunit,'(a)') '# '//lineRead end do write(iunit,'(a)') ' ' write(6,'(a,$)') 'Enter delay in seconds between sampling: ' read(5,*) readFreq write(6,'(a,$)') 'Run with sample-loop pump on? (y/n): ' read(5,'(a)') lineRead turnPumpOn = .true. ! use on as default if (scan(lineRead,'nN') /= 0) turnPumpOn = .false. write(6,'(a,$)') 'Turn feed gas 2 sample valve on? (y/n): ' read(5,'(a)') lineRead turnFeed2On = .false. ! use off as default if (scan(lineRead,'yY') /= 0) turnFeed2On = .true. write(6,'(a,$)') 'Enter desired Valco port to sample and hit return to start sampling: ' read(5,*) iport if (turnPumpOn .and. iport == mixtankVentPort) then write(6,'(a,$)') 'WARNING:: Do you really want to place a vacuum on the mix-tank? (y/n): ' read(5,'(a)') lineread if ( .not.(scan(lineRead,'yN') /= 0) ) cycle end if call valcoControl(iport) datavec(14) = dble(iport) write(6,'(/,a)') '*** Hit ESC to stop sampling ***' ! Set time zero based on current time and date. call DATE_AND_TIME (values=dt) call julday(dt(1),dt(2),dt(3),dt(5),dt(6),real(dt(7)),tzero,ifail) write(iunit,'(a)') 'Variables = "Time (min)" "Flow (sccm)" "O2 (%)" "CO2(%)" "CH4(%)"' write(iunit,'(a)') 'Zone' ! main loop that reads analyzers, reports to screen and stores values if (turnPumpOn) call pumpOn () ! turn pump on first if (turnFeed2On) call f2SampleGasOn ! open valve to sample feed 2 gas. do call cycleFeedGas2 ! This is here to insure that feed gas 2 gets switch over if ! sample recording goes for a long period. call readGasAnalyzers (iport,datavec,tzero,.true.) ! Store and display values write(iunit,'(f8.2,1x,f6.2,3(1x,f8.4))') 1440.*datavec(13), datavec(15), datavec(17), datavec(19), datavec(21) ! get the cursor position logstat = GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(fhandle, conbuf) ! write current reading out at the same location longStr = '(''Run t:'',f6.1,,'' min'','' Port:'',i2,'' Flow: '',f6.2,'' O2:'',f6.2,'' CO2:'',f7.3,'' CH4:'',f8.4)' write(6,longStr) real(1440.*datavec(13)), int(datavec(14)), real(datavec(15)), (real(datavec(j)),j=17,21,2) ! put the cursor back to where it was logstat = SetConsoleCursorPosition(fhandle, conbuf.dwCursorPosition) ! Go to sleep call SLEEPQQ (1000*readFreq) ! See if key was hit keyHit = PEEKCHARQQ ( ) if (keyHit) then !See if key hit is ESC, if is so exit. key = GETCHARQQ( ) if (key == ESC) exit end if end do call pumpOff () !turn gas pump off call f2SampleGasOff ! close valve to sample feed 2 gas close(unit=iunit) write(6,'(/a,$)') 'Read and store data from a specified port again? (y/n): ' read(5,'(a)') lineread if (scan(lineRead,'nN') /= 0) exit end do return end subroutine readAndStoreAnalzers subroutine readCH4 (ch4Ave) ! This routine reads CH4 concentration from CAI device. ! Ver 2: 18 Mar 2010; I have notice problems with reading the CAI device, also ! I want to average several reads together. ! Once the Measured concentration string is sent (AKON K1), the data string returned will ! look something like: ! STX_AKON 0 2.900818 919879468ETXSTX_AKON 0 2.900819 919879469ETX ! Where its starts with an STX character and is terminated by an ETX char. ! If no errors are returned, then the first 8 characters following the STX are: ! "_AKON 0 " ! which is then followed by two numbers, the first being the gas concentration and ! the second a time stamp in 1/10's of a second. Also, I've noticed that the ! device seems to send two (or maybe one and a half) return responces. ! This current version parses the last completed AKON returned. ! ! Ver 2.1 25 Jun 2010 ! If the analyzer output exceeds its range (i.e., 0-5%), it will trigger an error ! so the response will be ! "_AKON # " ! where # is any digit between 1 and 9. If there are no errors, then a 0 is returned. ! Since I'm now running gas mix at 4.9%, instrument drift can cause it to exceed 5.0, ! but the data is still good, so I have removed the check only to look for the first 6 ! characters as in: ! "_AKON " use ifport use CommParameters implicit none real ch4Ave ! Local declaratiosn integer, parameter:: aveReads = 10 ! Number of samples to average together. integer, parameter:: maxTime = 1 ! maximum time to wait for a response (sec). integer i, ok2read ,byteCnt, byteCntP, iresult, j, nPts integer iSTX, iETX real ch4, timeStamp real tstart, tend character dataStr*1024 nPts = 0 do i=1,aveReads ! Commands start with STX and are terminated with ETX iresult = SPORT_WRITE_DATA (ch4Port, STX//' AKON K1 '//ETX, 11) ! Since SPORT_READ_DATA will hold execution until at least on char is in the buffer, make sure ! there is one, since if the device dies, we don't want the whole program to hang ! here. ! It appears that it can take some time ( ~0.2 sec) for the port to respond ! so wait a bit for the response to occur call cpu_time(tstart) tend = tstart do while (tend-tstart <= maxTime) iresult = SPORT_PEEK_DATA (ch4Port, ok2read ,byteCntP) if (byteCntP >= 20) exit ! 20 characterts is probably not enough, but it could be if timestamp is only 1 char long. call cpu_time(tend) end do if (.not. ok2read) cycle ! data not in buffer, try again. ! Read the entire buffer (or at least dataStr bytes of) iresult = SPORT_READ_DATA (ch4Port, dataStr, byteCnt) ! Starting from the end, find the first complete response between STX and ETX iETX = index(trim(dataStr),ETX, back=.true.) if (iETX < 20) cycle ! There is not enough info in the string for a complete read, so try again iSTX=index(dataStr(1:iETX),STX, back=.true.) if (iSTX == 0) cycle ! STX could not be found in sub string, start again ! A full string record has been found, make sure response is "_AKON " ! if (index(dataStr(iSTX:iETX),'_AKON 0 ') == 2) then if (index(dataStr(iSTX:iETX),'_AKON ') == 2) then ! looks good, read values and add to average read(dataStr(iSTX+9:iETX-1),*) ch4, timeStamp !write(100,'(f8.6,1x,i2,1x,f5.3,1x,i4,1x,a)') ch4, i, tend-tstart, byteCntP, trim(dataStr) ! remove this else ! Error must have been returned in reponse, so try again. While there may ! be good data still in dataStr, just go ahead and read the buffer again. cycle end if nPts = nPts + 1 if (nPts == 1) then ! ch4Ave must be initialized ch4Ave = ch4 cycle end if ch4Ave = ch4Ave + (ch4 - ch4Ave)/real(nPts) ! running average. end do if (nPts == 0) ch4Ave = badRead !write(100,'(f8.6,1x,I4)') ch4Ave, nPts ! remove this return end subroutine readCH4 Subroutine readMassFlowMeter (flow) ! This routine read the mass flow meter ! Ver 2: 20 Mar 2010 ! Just improving communication ! Writes and reads to the 660B PS are terminated by CR/LF. use ifport use CommParameters implicit none real flow ! Local declarations integer, parameter:: maxTime = 1 ! maximum time to wait for a response (sec). integer, parameter:: maxAtmp = 5 ! maximum attempts to read the device. real tstart, tend integer iresult, ok2read, byteCnt, byteCntP, i character char3*3, dataStr*1024 flow = badRead do i=1,maxAtmp ! Command R5 requests the value of the flow. ! The responce looks like ! P##.### where the decimal place depends on the setting. ! It appears to also take about 0.1-0.2 sec to obtain a response. iresult = SPORT_WRITE_LINE (mfmPort, 'R5', 0) call cpu_time(tstart) tend = tstart do while (tend-tstart <= maxTime) iresult = SPORT_PEEK_LINE (mfmPort, ok2read, byteCntP) if (ok2read) exit call cpu_time(tend) end do if (.not. ok2read) cycle ! data not in buffer, try again. iresult = SPORT_READ_LINE (mfmPort, dataStr, byteCnt) if (verify(dataStr(2:8),okDigits) /= 0 .OR. len_trim(dataStr(2:8)) == 0) cycle ! Bad read read(dataStr(2:8),*) flow !write(100,'(f8.4,1x,i2,1x,f5.3,1x,i4,1x,a)') flow, i, tend-tstart, byteCntP, trim(dataStr) ! remove this exit end do return end Subroutine readMassFlowMeter subroutine readOxigraf(o2Ave, co2Ave) ! This routine reads the oxigraf detector for CO2 and O2 ! oxigraf communcation begins with an ESC and is terminated with a semicolon. ! Values that can be read are: ! 0: System status (16 bit output) ! 1: Oxygen concentration (0.01%) ! 2: Sample cell pressure (0.1 mBar) ! 3: Sampel cell temperature (0.01 C) ! 4: Sample flow rate (ml/min) ! 5: Time stamp counter (9.2 ms?) ! 6: Alarms (16 bit output) ! 7: CO2 concentration (0.01%) ! 8: CO2 cell pressure (0.1 mm Hg) ! 9: CO2 cell temperature (0.01 C) ! Ver 2: 19 Mar 2010 ! Improving communication and averaging outputs. ! The responce from any command sent to the oxigraf is: ! C:##### ! Where C is the command sent, #### is any data requested by command ! and and are the carrage return and line feed (two characters). ! Hence, use ifport use CommParameters real o2Ave, co2Ave ! Local declaratiosn integer, parameter:: aveReads = 10 ! The number of reads to average together integer, parameter:: maxTime = 1 ! maximum time to wait for a response (sec). integer i, ok2read ,byteCnt, byteCntP, iresult, nPts, lenStr real tstart, tend, o2, co2 character dataStr*100 nPts = 0 do i=1,aveReads ! Get O2, CO2, Cell prssure, and flowrate. !call purgePorts () iresult = SPORT_WRITE_DATA (oxigrafPort, ESC//'R1,7;', 0) call cpu_time(tstart) tend = tstart do while (tend-tstart <= maxTime) iresult = SPORT_PEEK_LINE (oxigrafPort, ok2read ,byteCntP) if (ok2read) exit call cpu_time(tend) end do if (.not. ok2read) cycle ! data not in buffer, try again. iresult = SPORT_READ_LINE (oxigrafPort, dataStr, byteCnt) lenStr = len_trim(dataStr) if (dataStr(1:2) == 'R:' .and. dataStr(lenStr-1:lenStr) == crlf) then ! well formed response read(dataStr(3:lenStr-2),*) o2, co2 o2 = o2/100.0 co2 = co2/100.00 !write(100,'(2(f8.4,1x),i2,1x,f5.3,1x,i4,1x,a)') o2, co2, i, tend-tstart, byteCntP, trim(dataStr) ! remove this else ! error reading line cycle end if nPts = nPts + 1 if (nPts == 1) then ! ch4Ave must be initialized o2Ave = o2 co2Ave = co2 cycle end if o2Ave = o2Ave + ( o2 - o2Ave)/real(nPts) ! running average. co2Ave = co2Ave + (co2 - co2Ave)/real(nPts) ! running average. end do if (nPts == 0) then o2Ave = badRead co2Ave = badRead end if ! write(100,'(2(f8.4,1x),I4)') o2Ave, co2Ave, nPts ! remove this return end subroutine readOxigraf Subroutine valcoControl(portNo) ! This routine changes the port number of the valco valvue ! Ver 2: 20 Mar 2010 ! Updating serial port read protocal. ! The Valco uses only to end commands and responces use ifport use CommParameters implicit none integer portNo ! Local declarations integer, parameter:: maxTime = 5 ! maximum time to wait for a response (sec). ! It takes about 2.5 sec to rotate 1/2 way around valve. integer, parameter:: maxAtmp = 5 ! maximum attempts to read the device. real tstart, tend integer iresult, ok2read, byteCnt, portAt, i character char4*4, dataStr*1024 portAt = badRead do i=1,maxAtmp ! Goto port portNo char4 = 'GO' write(char4(3:4),'(i2)') portNo ! Go to specified port number. iresult = SPORT_WRITE_LINE (valcoPort, char4, 0) ! Note, an error will be return, such as: ! GO 3 = Bad command ! if port is already on port 3., so this needs to be flushed from ! the buffer. ! Read port number iresult = SPORT_WRITE_LINE (valcoPort, 'CP', 0) call cpu_time(tstart) tend = tstart do while (tend-tstart <= maxTime) ! It appears the CP command reponse does not occur until valve ! is at its final destination, so this makes the program wait ! unitl the valve has stopped moving, unless maxTime is exceeded. iresult = SPORT_PEEK_LINE (valcoPort, ok2read ,byteCnt) if (ok2read) exit call cpu_time(tend) end do if (.not. ok2read) cycle ! No data in buffer, try again. do while (ok2read) ! This will continue to read records until buffer is empty ! Only the last record in the buffer is used below. iresult = SPORT_READ_LINE (valcoPort, dataStr, byteCnt) iresult = SPORT_PEEK_LINE (valcoPort, ok2read ,byteCnt) end do !write(6,'(a,f5.3)') 'Wait time: ', tend-tstart !write(6,'(a,i1,a)') 'i=',i,' dataStr: '//trim(dataStr)//'END' if (dataStr(1:15) == 'Position is = ' .AND. scan(dataStr(16:17),'0123456789') /= 0) read(dataStr(16:17),*) portAt if (portAt == portNo) exit end do portNo = portAt return end subroutine valcoControl Subroutine readWeederT(outStr) ! This routine reads outStr from a Weeder Tech module. ! Notes: ! You must prefix a command with the header character as set by the dipswitch on the board ! All command must be terminated by a character. Likewise, all data returned is terminated with ! If a command does not return a value, then it appears to echo the command. Consequently, all input ! have some kind of output. ! Spaces are not allowed. ! Example input: ARB !this asks for the state of channel B on board with prefix A ! Example responce to above: ABH ! By specifing SPORT_CONNECT and using LINE reads and write, the character can be easily handled. use ifport use CommParameters implicit none character outStr*(*) ! input command string, and output of responce if requrested ! Local declarations integer, parameter:: maxTime = 1 ! maximum time to wait for a response (sec). integer, parameter:: maxAtmp = 5 ! maximum attempts to read the device. real tstart, tend integer iresult, ok2read, byteCnt, i character char4*4 outStr = 'E' ! set to E in case read fails. do i=1,maxAtmp ! Read a module, but allow maxTime sectonds for response to be place in buffer. call cpu_time(tstart) tend = tstart do while (tend-tstart <= maxTime) iresult = SPORT_PEEK_LINE (WTDOTport, ok2read ,byteCnt) if (ok2read==1) exit call cpu_time(tend) end do if (ok2read==0) cycle ! No data in buffer, try again. do while (ok2read==1) ! This will continue to read records until buffer is empty ! Only the last record in the buffer is used below. iresult = SPORT_READ_LINE (WTDOTport, outStr, byteCnt) iresult = SPORT_PEEK_LINE (WTDOTport, ok2read ,byteCnt) end do exit end do return end subroutine readWeederT Subroutine writeWeederT(inStr) ! This routine write inStr to a Weeder Tech module. ! Only the last record in the buffer is returned. use ifport use CommParameters implicit none character inStr*(*) ! input command string, and output of responce if requrested ! Local declarations integer iresult iresult = SPORT_WRITE_LINE (WTDOTport, trim(inStr), 0) if (iresult /= 0) write(6,*) 'WARNING writing to WTDOT::iresult = ',iresult return end subroutine writeWeederT subroutine pumpOn () ! This routine turns the gas pump for the gas sampling loop on use CommParameters implicit none integer ierr character outStr*80 ! write to the WTDOT board ! First turn N2 gas on call writeWeederT(N2on) ! get responce, which would just be the return of command call readWeederT(outStr) if (outStr /= N2on) then write(6,*) 'WARNING:: error turning N2 On' write(6,'(2a)') ' WTDOT Output response was: ',trim(outStr) end if call writeWeederT(gasPumpOn) ! get responce, which would just be the return of command call readWeederT(outStr) if (outStr /= gasPumpOn) then write(6,*) 'WARNING:: error on gas pump On' write(6,'(2a)') ' WTDOT Output response was: ',trim(outStr) end if return end subroutine pumpOn subroutine pumpOff () ! This routine turns the gas pump for the gas sampling loop off use CommParameters implicit none character outStr*80 ! write to the WTDOT board ! Turn gas pump off call writeWeederT(gasPumpOff) ! get responce, which would just be call readWeederT(outStr) if (outStr /= gasPumpOff) then write(6,*) 'WARNING:: error on gas pump Off' write(6,'(2a)') ' WTDOT Output response was: ',trim(outStr) end if ! Turn N2 gas off call writeWeederT(N2off) ! get responce, which would just be the return of command call readWeederT(outStr) if (outStr /= N2off) then write(6,*) 'WARNING:: error turning N2 Off' write(6,'(2a)') ' WTDOT Output response was: ',trim(outStr) end if return end subroutine pumpOff subroutine f2SampleGasOn ! This routine turns the Feed 2 gas on for sampling use CommParameters, only: f2SmpOn implicit none character outStr*80 ! Turn ASCO valve on that controls feed 2 gas to sample port call writeWeederT(f2SmpOn) ! get responce, which would just be the input string call readWeederT(outStr) if (outStr /= f2SmpOn) then write(6,*) 'WARNING:: error on feed 2 gas sample valve on' write(6,'(2a)') ' WTDOT Output response was: ',trim(outStr) end if return end subroutine f2SampleGasOn subroutine f2SampleGasOff ! This routine turns the Feed 2 gas on for sampling use CommParameters, only: f2SmpOff implicit none character outStr*80 ! Turn ASCO valve on that controls feed 2 gas to sample port call writeWeederT(f2SmpOff) ! get responce, which would just be the input string call readWeederT(outStr) if (outStr /= f2SmpOff) then write(6,*) 'WARNING:: error on feed 2 gas sample valve off' write(6,'(2a)') ' WTDOT Output response was: ',trim(outStr) end if return end subroutine f2SampleGasOff subroutine cycleFeedGas2 ! This routine changes the feed gas based on the current time ! the date the experiment started, and the cycle time period. use CommParameters, only: t0GasCycling, tcycleOnOff, feed2Off, feed2On, co2Feed, o2Feed, ch4Feed, & co2Feed2, o2Feed2, ch4Feed2, co2Feed2cur, o2Feed2cur, ch4Feed2cur, & Feed2GasOn, onOffUnit, tzero, gasCycleRunning implicit none !local declarations character outStr*80 integer dt(8), ifail, interval real(8) eltime, sysTime ! if not cycling feed gas 2, then set default values and return if (.not. gasCycleRunning) then co2Feed2cur = co2Feed o2Feed2cur = o2Feed ch4Feed2cur = ch4Feed return end if ! Get time stamp and julian time call DATE_AND_TIME (values=dt) call julday(dt(1),dt(2),dt(3),dt(5),dt(6),real(dt(7)),eltime,ifail) sysTime = eltime - tzero ! Time relative to start of experiment eltime = eltime - t0GasCycling ! elapsed time in days interval = int(eltime/tcycleOnOff) ! If interval is even, then main feed gas should be on, if odd, then feed gas ! 2 should be turned on. if (mod(interval,2) == 0 ) then ! in an even interval, so main gas should be on and valve turned off call writeWeederT(feed2Off) ! get responce, which should just be the return of command call readWeederT(outStr) if (outStr /= feed2Off) then write(6,*) 'WARNING:: error turning Feed gas 2 valve Off' write(6,'(2a)') ' WTDOT Output response was: ',trim(outStr) end if ! Update the current feed gas composition co2Feed2cur = co2Feed o2Feed2cur = o2Feed ch4Feed2cur = ch4Feed if (Feed2GasOn) then write(6,'(///,a,2(i2.2,''/''),i4,1x,2(i2.2,'':''),i2.2,/)') 'Feed gas 2 turned off at: ', & dt(2),dt(3),dt(1),dt(5),dt(6),dt(7) ! Store the time when feed gas 2 was turned off write(onOffUnit,'(2(i2.2,''/''),i4,1x,2(i2.2,'':''),i2.2,1x,f9.4,1x,i1)') dt(2),dt(3),dt(1),dt(5),dt(6),dt(7), sysTime, 0 end if Feed2GasOn = .false. else ! In an odd interval, so feed gas 2 should be on and valve turned on ! Update the current feed gas composition call writeWeederT(feed2On) ! get responce, which should just be the return of command call readWeederT(outStr) if (outStr /= feed2On) then write(6,*) 'WARNING:: error turning Feed gas 2 valve On' write(6,'(2a)') ' WTDOT Output response was: ',trim(outStr) end if co2Feed2cur = co2Feed2 o2Feed2cur = o2Feed2 ch4Feed2cur = ch4Feed2 if (.not. Feed2GasOn) then write(6,'(///,a,2(i2.2,''/''),i4,1x,2(i2.2,'':''),i2.2,/)') 'Feed gas 2 turned on at: ', & dt(2),dt(3),dt(1),dt(5),dt(6),dt(7) ! Store the time when feed gas 2 was turned on write(onOffUnit,'(2(i2.2,''/''),i4,1x,2(i2.2,'':''),i2.2,1x,f9.4,1x,i1)') dt(2),dt(3),dt(1),dt(5),dt(6),dt(7), sysTime, 1 end if Feed2GasOn = .true. end if return end subroutine cycleFeedGas2 subroutine forceFeedGas2Valve(offOn) ! This routine changes the feed gas 2 valve on or off based on input. ! Note, if gasCycleRunning is true, then valve state will return to its correct ! status once control returns to main sample loop. However, if gasCycleRunning is ! false, the valve will retain it's status upon returning to main loop. use CommParameters, only: t0GasCycling, tcycleOnOff, feed2Off, feed2On, co2Feed, o2Feed, ch4Feed, & co2Feed2, o2Feed2, ch4Feed2, co2Feed2cur, o2Feed2cur, ch4Feed2cur, & Feed2GasOn, onOffUnit, tzero, gasCycleRunning implicit none integer offOn ! 0: turn valve off, 1: turn valve on !local declarations character outStr*80 integer dt(8), ifail, interval real(8) eltime, sysTime ! Get time stamp and julian time call DATE_AND_TIME (values=dt) call julday(dt(1),dt(2),dt(3),dt(5),dt(6),real(dt(7)),eltime,ifail) sysTime = eltime - tzero ! Time relative to start of experiment if (offOn == 0) then ! Turn valve off call writeWeederT(feed2Off) ! get responce, which should just be the return of command call readWeederT(outStr) if (outStr /= feed2Off) write(6,*) 'WARNING:: error turning Feed gas 2 valve Off' ! Update the current feed gas composition co2Feed2cur = co2Feed o2Feed2cur = o2Feed ch4Feed2cur = ch4Feed if (Feed2GasOn) then write(6,'(/,a,2(i2.2,''/''),i4,1x,2(i2.2,'':''),i2.2,/)') 'Feed gas 2 turned off at: ', & dt(2),dt(3),dt(1),dt(5),dt(6),dt(7) ! Store the time when feed gas 2 was turned off write(onOffUnit,'(2(i2.2,''/''),i4,1x,2(i2.2,'':''),i2.2,1x,f9.4,1x,i1)') dt(2),dt(3),dt(1),dt(5),dt(6),dt(7), sysTime, 0 end if Feed2GasOn = .false. else ! Turn valve on call writeWeederT(feed2On) ! get responce, which should just be the return of command call readWeederT(outStr) if (outStr /= feed2On) write(6,*) 'WARNING:: error turning Feed gas 2 valve On' ! Update the current feed gas composition co2Feed2cur = co2Feed2 o2Feed2cur = o2Feed2 ch4Feed2cur = ch4Feed2 if (.not. Feed2GasOn) then write(6,'(/,a,2(i2.2,''/''),i4,1x,2(i2.2,'':''),i2.2,/)') 'Feed gas 2 turned on at: ', & dt(2),dt(3),dt(1),dt(5),dt(6),dt(7) ! Store the time when feed gas 2 was turned on write(onOffUnit,'(2(i2.2,''/''),i4,1x,2(i2.2,'':''),i2.2,1x,f9.4,1x,i1)') dt(2),dt(3),dt(1),dt(5),dt(6),dt(7), sysTime, 1 end if Feed2GasOn = .true. end if return end subroutine forceFeedGas2Valve