Interactive Graphics for Exp 4

The graphics below, generated by Highcharts, currently plot O2 and CO2 in the exit gas stream for all MCs, and pH and dissolved oxygen (DO) for MC2 and MC5.  

Variables can be removed or added to the chart by clicking on the legends below the charts. Also, you can zoom into the plot in both x and y dimensions by clicking and dragging the mouse cursor. While zoomed, hold the SHIFT key to pan left or right with the mouse. On touch screens, use two figures to zoom, one to pan. Charts can be exported by clicking on menu button in upper right corner. The gas data are extracted from the Exp4.dat file and saved as a CSV file. High resolution data over ModBus for the DO and pH probes is here: Exp4_DOpH.csv. Files are updated every hour.

For all plots, the x-axis is time in days since: 00:00:00 1-Apr-2022