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Acinas, S. G., K. Klepac-Ceraj, D. E. Hunt, C. Pharino, C. Ceraj, D. L. Distel, and M. F. Polz. 2004. Fine-scale phylogenetic architecture of a complex bacterial community. Nature 430:551-554 Agnew, A. M., D. H. Shull, and R. N. Buchsbaum. 2003. Growth of a salt marsh invertebrate on several species of marsh grass detritus. Biological Bulletin 205:238-239 Agrawal, A. 2001. Uncertainty analysis of land-use change modeling in GIS. MS Thesis. Clark University, Worcester. Aldrich, S. 2002. Water quality as a function of land use. Honors, BS Thesis. Clark University, Worcester. Aldwaik, S., and R. G. Pontius Jr. In review. Intensity Analysis to Unify Measurements of Size and Stationarity of Land Changes by Interval, Category, and Transition. Landscape and Urban Planning Alexander, R. B., J. F. Bohlke, E. W. Boyer, M. David, J. W. Harvey, P. J. Mulholland, S. P. Seitzinger, C. R. Tobias, C. Tonitto, and W. M. Wollheim. 2009. Dynamic modeling of nitrogen losses in river networks unravels the coupled effects of hydrological and biogeochemical processes. Biogeochemistry 93:91-116 DOI 10.1007/s10533-008-9274-8. Allee, R. J., M. Dethier, D. Brown, L. Deegan, R. G. Ford, T. F. Hourigan, J. Maragos, C. Schoch, K. Sealey, R. Twilley, M. P. Weinstein, and M. Yoklavich. 2000. Marine and Estuarine Ecosystem and Habitat Classification. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-FSPO-43, US Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National marine Fisheries Service. Alpern, J. 2010. How to tell when map difference indicates land change. M.S. Thesis. Clark University, Worcester, MA. Bahr, M., B. C. Crump, V. Klepac-Ceraj, A. P. Teske, M. L. Sogin, and J. E. Hobbie. 2005. Molecular characterization of sulfate-reducing bacteria in a New England salt marsh. Environmental Microbiology 7:1175-1185 10.1111/j.1462-2920.2005.00796.x. Bain, D., M. B. Green, J. Campbell, J. Chamblee, J. Fraterrigo, S. S. Kaushal, S. Martin, T. Jordan, A. Parolari, W. V. Sobczak, D. E. Weller, W. M. Wollheim, E. Boose, J. Duncan, G. Gettel, B. Hall, P. Kumar, J. Thompson, J. Vose, E. Elliott, and D. Leigh. In press. Legacies in material flux: structural catchment changes pre-date long-term studies. Bioscience Battin, T. J., L. Kaplan, S. Findlay, C. Hopkinson, E. Marti, A. Packman, J. D. Newbold, and F. Sabater. 2008. Biophysical controls on organic carbon fluxes in fluvial networks. Nature Geoscience 1:95-100 doi: 10.1038/ngeo101. Beaulieu, J. J., J. L. Tank, S. K. Hamilton, W. Wollheim, R. Hall, P. Mulholland, B. Peterson, L. Ashkenas, L. Cooper, C. Dahm, W. Dodds, N. Grimm, S. Johnson, W. McDowell, G. Poole, H. Valett, C. Arango, M. Bernot, A. Burgin, C. Crenshaw, A. Helton, L. Johnson, J. O'Brien, J. Potter, D. Sheibley, D. Sobota, and S. Thomas. 2011. Nitrous oxide emission from denitrification in stream and river networks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 108:214-219 doi: 210.1073/pnas.1011464108. Bernhard, A., T. M. Donn, A. E. Giblin, and D. A. Stahl. 2005. Loss of Diversity of Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacteria Correlates with Increasing Salinity in an Estuary System. Environmental Microbiology 7:1289-1297 10.1111/j.1462-2920.2005.00808.x. Bernhard, A., Z. C. Landry, A. Blevins, J. R. de al Torre, A. E. Giblin, and D. A. Stahl. 2010. Abundance of ammonia-oxidizing Archaea and Bacteria along an estuarine salinity gradient in relationship to potential nitrification rates. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 76:1285-1289 doi:10.1128/AEM.02018-09. Bernhard, A. E., J. Tucker, A. E. Giblin, and D. A. Stahl. 2007. Functionally distinct communities of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria along an estuarine salinity gradient. Environmental Microbiology 9:1439-1447 10.1111/j.1462-2920.2007.01260.x. Bernot, M. J., R. J. Bernot, and J. T. Morris. 2009. Nutrient cycling relative to δ15N and δ13C natural abundance in a coastal wetland with long-term nutrient additions. Aquatic Ecology doi:10.1007/s10452-008-9221-8. Blanchard, S. 2010. Implications of using fine versus coarse spatial resolution data in LUCCThesis. Clark University, Worcester, MA. Bouillon, S., and H. T. S. Boschker. 2006. Bacterial carbon sources in coastal sediments: a cross-system analysis based on stable isotope data of biomarkers. Biogeosciences 3:175-185 Bowen, J. L., B. C. Crump, L. A. Deegan, and J. E. Hobbie. 2009. Increased supply of ambient nitrogen has minimal effect on salt marsh bacterial production. Limnology and Oceanography 54:713 - 722 Bowen, J. L., B. C. Crump, L. A. Deegan, and J. E. Hobbie. 2009. Salt marsh sediment bacteria: their distribution and response to external nutrient inputs. The ISME Journal 3:924 - 934 doi:10.1038/ismej.2009.44. Bowen, J. L., B. B. Ward, H. G. Morrison, J. E. Hobbie, I. Valiela, L. A. Deegan, and M. L. Sogin. 2011. Microbial community composition in salt marsh sediments resists perturbation by nutrient enrichment. The ISME Journal 5:1540-1548 doi:10.1038/ismej.2011.22. Briggs, M. A., M. N. Gooseff, C. D. Arp, and M. A. Baker. 2009. A method for estimating surface transient storage parameters for streams with concurrent hyporheic storage. Water Resources Research 45 doi:10.1029/2008WR006959. Briggs, M. A., M. N. Gooseff, B. J. Peterson, K. Morkeski, W. M. Wollheim, and C. S. Hopkinson. 2010. Surface and hyporheic transient storage dynamics throughout a coastal stream network. Water Resources Research 46 doi: 06510.01029/02009WR008222. Broo, S. 2009. Sensitivity Analysis for Scenarios of Water Withdrawal in Massachusetts. MS Thesis. Clark University, Worcester, MA. Buchsbaum, R. 2000. A Symposium Report: Marine Monitoring in Massachusetts - Water quality monitoring and related activities at Plum Island Sound. Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Managment, Boston, MA. Buchsbaum, R. 2009. Striped bass: the coastal connection. pp 9-11. In Sanctuary. Buchsbaum, R., E. H. Catena, and M. J. James-Pirri. 2006. Changes in salt marsh vegetation, Phragmites australis, and nekton in response to increased tidal flushing in a New England salt marsh. Wetlands 26:544-557 Buchsbaum, R., A. Cooper, and J. LeBlanc. 1998. The Plum Island Sound/River ecosystem: Current status and future management. Plum Island Sound Minibay Project, Massachusetts Bays Program. Buchsbaum, R., A. Cooper, and J. LeBlanc. 1999. Conserving the Plum Island Sound/Rivers Ecosystem - A research report and management plan. Produced for the Massachusetts Bays Program and the Towns of Ipswich, Rowley and Newbury by Massachusetts Audubon: North Shore Conservation Advocacy. Buchsbaum, R., L. Deegan, and R. Garritt. 2002. Changes in the fish comunity of Plum Island Sound from 1965 through 1994. In: In: The marine resources of the Parker River-Plum Island Sound estuary: An update after 30 years. R. Buchsbaum, T. Purinton, and B. e. Magnusson (eds.), pp MCZM publications. Buchsbaum, R., and J. C. Powell. 2008. Symposium Review: Long term shifts in faunal assemblages in North American estuaries: A review of a workshop held at the biennial meeting of the Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation (CERF), November 2007, Providence, Rhode Island. Reviews in Fisheries Biology and Fisheries 18:447-450 DOI 10.1007/s11160-008-9086-x. Buchsbaum, R., T. Purinton, and B. Magnusson. 2002. The marine resources of the Parker River-Plum Island Sound estuary: An update after 30 years. Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management, Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs, Boston, MA. Buchsbaum, R. N., L. A. Deegan, J. Horowitz, R. H. Garritt, J. P. Ludlam, and D. H. Shull. 2009. Effects of regular salt marsh haying on marsh plants, algae, invertebrates and birds at Plum Island Sound, Massachusetts. Wetlands Ecology and Management 17:469-487 DOI 10.1007/s11273-008-9125-3. Buchsbaum, R. N., and C. A. Wigand. In press. Chapter 14: Adaptive management and monitoring as fundamental tools to effective salt marsh restoration. In: Restoring Tidal Flow to Salt Marshes: A Synthesis of Science and Management in New England (USA). C. Roman and D. Burdick (eds.), pp Island Press. Burak, M. 2011. Developing standardized metrics to quantify the temporal distribution of migrating anadromous herring: comparing adult returns across coastal rivers. M.S. Thesis. University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Burak, M., M. E. Mather, J. T. Finn, J. B. Kim, and R. M. Muth. In review. How standardized metrics that quantify the temporal distribution of migrating anadromous herring can facilitate comparisons of adult returns across coastal rivers. Burdick, D., R. Buchsbaum, and E. Holt. 2001. Variation in soil salinity associated with the expansion of Phragmites australis in salt marshes. Environmental and Experimental Botany 46:247-261 Burgess, P. 1999. Conservation and development in conflict. MS Thesis. Clark University. Canfield, S., L. Claessens, C. S. Hopkinson, E. Rastetter, and J. Vallino. 1999. Long-term effect of municipal water use on the water budget of the Ipswich River basin. Biological Bulletin 197:295-297 Cavatorta, J., M. Johnston, C. S. Hopkinson, and V. Valentine. 2003. Patterns of sedimentation in a salt marsh-dominated estuary. Biological Bulletin 205:239-241 Charles, H. 2007. Effects of Warming and Altered Precipitation on Plant and Nutrient Dynamics of a New England Salt Marsh. MS Thesis. University of Massachusetts, Boston, MA. Chaudhury, R. 2011. Developing web-based "Interval, Category, and Transition Application". M.A. Thesis. Clark University, Worcester, MA. Chen, H., and R. G. Pontius Jr. 2010. Diagnostic tools to evaluate a spatial land change projection along a gradient of an explanatory variable. Landscape Ecology 25:1319-1331 Chen, H., and R. G. Pontius Jr. 2011. Sensitivity of a land change model to pixel resolution and precision of the independent variable. Environmental Modeling & Assessment 16:37-52 Chowdhury, R., K. Larson, M. Grove, C. Polsky, E. Cook, J. Onsted, and L. Ogden. 2011. A Multi-Scalar Approach to Theorizing Socio-Ecological Dynamics of Urban Residential Landscapes. Cities and the Environment 4 Claessens, L., C. Hopkinson, E. Rastetter, and J. Vallino. 2006. Effect of historical changes in land use and climate on the water budget of an urbanizing watershed. Water Resources Research 42 doi:10.1029/2005WR004131. Clement, J., R. M. Holmes, B. J. Peterson, and G. Pinlay. 2004. Isotopic investigation of nitrogen retention in a riparian ecosystem. Journal of Applied Ecology 40:1035-1048 Crump, B. C., and J. E. Hobbie. 2005. Synchrony and seasonality in bacterioplankton communities of two temperate rivers. Limnology and Oceanography 50:1718-1729 Crump, B. C., C. S. Hopkinson, M. L. Sogin, and J. H. Hobbie. 2004. Microbial biogeography along an estuarine salinity gradient: the combined influences of bacterial growth and residence time. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 70:1494-1505 DOI: 10.1128/AEM.70.3.14941505.2004. Davey, E., C. Wigand, R. Johnson, K. Sundberg, J. Morris, and C. T. Roman. 2011. Use of computed tomography imaging for quantifying coarse roots, rhizomes, peat, and particle densities in marsh soils. Ecological Applications 21:2156-2171 Day, J. W., R. R. Christian, D. M. Boesch, A. Yáñez-Arancibia, J. T. Morris, R. R. Twilley, L. Naylor, L. Schaffner, and C. Stevenson. 2008. Consequences of climate change on the ecogeomorphology of coastal wetlands. Estuaries and Coasts 31:477-491 DOI 10.1007/s12237-008-9047-6. Deegan, L., L. A. Wright, J. Hughes, and E. Boynton. 1999. Establishing the Food Web Links between Estuaries and Nearshore Fisheries of New England. Final Report NA 76 FD 0106, NOAA. Deegan, L. A. 2002. Lessons learned: the effects of nutrient enrichment on the support of nekton by seagrass and saltmarsh ecosystems. Estuaries 25:585-600 Deegan, L. A. In prep. Trouble on the edge: plant lodging, creek cracks, toupee effects, etc. Deegan, L. A., J. L. Bowen, D. C. Drake, J. W. Fleeger, C. T. Friedrichs, K. A. Galvan, J. E. Hobbie, C. Hopkinson, D. S. Johnson, J. M. Johnson, L. E. LeMay, E. E. Miller, B. J. Peterson, C. Picard, S. Sheldon, M. Sutherland, J. Vallino, and R. S. Warren. 2007. Susceptibility of salt marshes to nutrient enrichment and predator removal. Ecological Applications 17:S-42-S63 Deegan, L. A., and R. Buchsbaum. 2005. The effect of habitat loss and degradation on fisheries. In: The Decline of Fisheries Resources in New England: Evaluating the Impact of Overfishing, Contamination, and Habitat Degradation. R. Buchsbaum, J. Pederson, and W. E. Robinson (eds.), pp 67-96. University of Massachusetts Press. Deegan, L. A., and C. o. E. E. o. Fishing. 2002. Effects of trawling and dredging on seafloor habitat. In: (eds.), pp 107 pp. Washington, DC, National Academy Press. Deegan, L. A., J. E. Hughes, and R. A. Rountree. 2000. Salt marsh ecosystem support of marine transient species. In: Concepts and Controversies in Tidal Marsh Ecology. M. Weinstein and J. Kreeger (eds.), pp 333-365. Kluwer Academic Publisher, The Netherlands. Deegan, L. A., J. Kremer, T. Webler, and J. Brawley. 2001. The use of models in integrated resource management in the coastal zone. In: Science and Integrated Coastal Management. B. V. Bodungen and R. K. Turner (eds.), pp Berlin, Dahlem University Press. Dodds, W. K., C. T. Robinson, E. E. Gaiser, G. J. A. Hansen, H. Powell, J. M. Smith, N. B. Morse, S. Johnson, S. V. Gregory, T. Bell, T. K. Kratz, and W. H. McDowell. In review. Surprises and insights from long term aquatic datasets and experiments. Drake, D. C., B. J. Peterson, L. A. Deegan, L. A. Harris, E. E. Miller, and R. S. Warren. 2008. Plant nitrogen dynamics in fertilized and natural New England saltmarshes: a paired 15N tracer study. Marine Ecology Progress Series 354:35-46 doi: 10.3354/meps07170. Drake, D. C., B. J. Peterson, K. A. Galván, L. A. Deegan, J. W. Fleeger, C. Hopkinson, J. M. Johnson, K. Koop-Jakobsen, L. E. Lemay, E. E. Miller, C. Picard, and R. S. Warren. 2009. Salt marsh ecosystem biogeochemical responses to nutrient enrichment: A paired 15N tracer study. Ecology 90:2535-2546 Driscoll, C., D. Whitall, J. Aber, E. Boyer, M. Castor, C. Cronan, C. Goodale, P. Groffman, K. Lambert, G. Lawrence, C. Hopkinson, and S. Ollinger. 2002. Nitrogen Pollution: From sources to the sea. Science Links - Hubbard Brook Research Foundation, Hanover, NH. Driscoll, C., D. Whitall, J. Aber, E. Boyer, M. Castro, C. Cronan, C. Goodale, P. Groffman, C. Hopkinson, K. Lambert, G. Lawrence, and S. Ollinger. 2003. Nitrogen pollution in the northeastern United States: Sources, effects and managment options. BioSciences 53:357-374 Driscoll, C., D. Whitall, J. Aber, E. Boyer, M. Castro, C. Cronan, C. Goodale, P. Groffman, C. Hopkinson, K. Lambert, G. Lawrence, and S. Ollinger. 2003. Nitrogen pollution: Sources and consequences in the U.S. Northeast. Environment:8-22 El Fantroussi, S., H. Urakawa, A. E. Bernhard, J. J. Kelly, P. A. Noble, and D. A. Stahl. 2003. Direct profiling of environmental microbial populations by thermal dissociation analysis of native ribosomal RNAs hybridized to oligonucleotide microarrays. Applied Environmental Microbiology 69:2377-2382 Emeis, K. C., J. R. Benoit, L. Deegan, A. J. Gilbert, V. Lee, J. M. Glade, M. Meybeck, S. B. Olsen, and B. V. Bodungen. 2001. Group 4: Unifying concepts for integrated coastal management. In: Science and Integrated Coastal Management. B. V. Bodungen and R. K. Turner (eds.), pp Berlin, Dahlem University Press. Fagherazzi, S., D. M. FitzGerald, R. W. Fulweiler, Z. Hughes, P. L. Wiberg, K. J. McGlathery, J. T. Morris, T. J. Tolhurst, L. A. Deegan, and D. S. Johnson. In press. Ecogeomorphology of Salt Marshes. In: Treatise on Geomorphology. J. Shroder, D. Butler, and C. Hubb (eds.), pp Elsevier. Fagherazzi, S., D. M. FitzGerald, R. W. Fulweiler, Z. Hughes, P. L. Wiberg, K. J. McGlathery, J. T. Morris, T. J. Tolhurst, L. A. Deegan, and D. S. Johnson. In press. Ecogeomorphology of Tidal Flats. In: Treatise on Geomorphology. J. Shroder, D. Butler, and C. Hubb (eds.), pp Elsevier. Fagherazzi, S., R. Torres, C. Hopkinson, and D. vanProosdij. 2004. The Salt Marsh Geomorphology: Physical and Ecological Effects on Landform. pp 57-58. In AGU Chapman Conference. EOS, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Farber, S., D. Costanza, D. Childers, J. Erikson, K. Gross, M. Grove, C. Hopkinson, J. Kahn, S. Pincetl, A. Troy, P. Warren, and M. Wilson. 2006. Linking ecology and economics for ecosystem management. BioScience 56:121-134 Fedorko, E. J., R. G. Pontius, Jr., S. P. Aldrich, L. Claessens, C. Hopkinson, and W. M. Wollheim. 2005. Spatial distribution of land type in regression models of pollutant loading. Journal of Spatial Hydrology 5:60-80 Fennel, K., D. Brady, D. DiToro, R. W. Fulweiler, W. S. Gardner, A. Giblin, M. J. McCarthy, A. Rao, S. Seitzinger, M. Thouvenot-Korppoo, and C. Tobias. 2009. Modeling denitrification in aquatic sediments. Biogeochemistry 93:159-178 DOI 10.1007/s10533-008-9270-z. Ferry, K. 2003. Factors driving distribution of migratory striped bass across Massachusetts estuaries: predator-prey interactions and implications for multispecies management. MS Thesis. University of Natural Resources. Ferry, K. H., and M. E. Mather. In press. "Spatial and temporal diet patterns of young adult and subadult striped bass feeding in Massachusetts estuaries: trends across scales." Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science Filoso, S., J. J. Vallino, C. Hopkinson, E. Rastetter, and L. Claessens. 2004. Modeling Nitrogen Transport in the Ipswich River Basin, Massachusetts, Using HSPF. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 40:1365-1384 Finn, J. T., M. E. Mather, M. K. Burak, R. M. Muth, and J. B. Kim. In review. Evaluating new approaches to modeling data sets with many zeros: an example using upriver counts of a schooling anadromous fish. Fisher, T. R., D. Correll, R. Costanza, J. Hollibaugh, C. Hopkinson, R. Howarth, N. Rabalais, J. Richey, C. Vorosmarty, and R. Wiegert. 2000. Synthesizing drainage basin inputs to coastal systems. In: Estuarine Science: A Synthetic Approach to Research and Practice. J. Hobbie (eds.), pp 81-105. Washington, DC, Island Press. Fleeger, J. W., D. S. Johnson, K. A. Galván, and L. A. Deegan. 2008. Top-down and bottom-up control of infauna varies across the saltmarsh landscape. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 357:20-34 doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2007.12.003. Frank, H., M. E. Mather, R. M. Muth, S. M. Pautzke, J. M. Smith, J. T. Finn, and S. D. McCormick. 2009. What is 'fallback': metrics needed to assess telemetry tag effects on anadromaous fish behaviour. Hydrobiologia 35:237 - 249 Frank, H. F., M. E. Mather, J. M. Smith, R. M. Muth, and J. T. Finn. 2011. Role of origin and release location in pre-spawning movements of anadromous alewives. Fisheries Management and Ecology 18:12-14 Frank, H. J. 2009. Improving Strategies for Coastal River Restoration: Tracking Anadromous River Herring in a Coastal Massachusetts Stream. MS Thesis. University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA. Frank, H. J., M. E. Mather, R. M. Muth, S. M. Pautzke, J. M. Smith, and J. T. Finn. 2009. The Adopt-a-Herring Program as a Fisheries Conservation Tool. Fisheries 34:496-507 Freeman, C. J., H. Haas, S. Warren, L. A. Deegan, and J. Logan. 2004. What makes mummichogs grow? The relationship between growth rates and gut contents of Fundulus heteroclitus held in enclosures along a salinity gradient in a New England salt marsh. In New England Estuarine Research Society (NEERS), Burlington, Vermont. Fry, B., M. Cieri, J. Hughes, C. Tobias, L. A. Deegan, and B. Peterson. 2008. Stable isotope monitoring of benthic-pelagic coupling with salt marsh fish. Marine Ecology Progress Series 369:193-204 doi: 10.3354/meps07644. Fry, B., C. Hopkinson, A. Nolin, and S. Wainright. 1998. 13C/12C composition of marine dissolved organic carbon. Chemical Geology 152:113 - 118 Galvan, K., J. W. Fleeger, and B. Fry. 2008. Stable isotope addition reveals dietary importance of phytoplankton and microphytobenthos to saltmarsh infauna. Marine Ecology Progress Series 359:37-49 Galván, K., J. W. Fleeger, B. Peterson, D. Drake, L. A. Deegan, and D. S. Johnson. 2011. Natural abundance stable isotopes and dual isotope tracer additions help to resolve resources supporting a saltmarsh food web. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 410:1-11 Galván, K., J. W. Fleeger, B. Peterson, D. Drake, L. A. Deegan, D. S. Johnson, M. 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