Dissolved Methane
The data plots below are from an experimental dissolved methane probe
developed for this project based on a Figaro
TGS2611-C00 metal oxide
semiconductor methane and LP gas
sensor. See Probe Info. under Menu for more information on probe
construction and calibration.
the plots below, the solid line is the paritial pressure of dissolved
methane, while the dotted line is the partial pressure of methane in
the MC gas headspace. Note, as currently calibrated, the
dissolved methane concentration is higher than that in the gas
headspace, which is not possible. However, the methane sensor
sensitivity at high methane concentrations (> 1%) is very low,
probe accuracy is poor at these concentrations. These
data do indicate that the MCs are not mass transfer limited.
Plots below are for the last 40 days. Click on links below
for plot of entire data.
Plot of all MC1 dCH4

Plot of all MC2 dCH4

Plot of all MC3 dCH4

Plot of all MC4 dCH4
probes accumulate some water that causes the signal drop
outs. Water in the silicone tube causes decreased methane
transport, but once it is removed, the probe seems to function as
- Replaced
1/8" silicone tubing with 3/16" tubing (2 3/4" length) to see if these
improve water accumulatin problem. (17:00 3 May 2011, t =
- Probes off-line for calibration with new tubing (10:00 5
May 2011, t = 258.42).
- Probes back on line (11:30 10 May 2011, t = 263.48 d).
- Probes cleaned, water removed (16:15 24 Jun 2011, t =
308.68 d)
- Probes cleaned, water removed (17:00 14 Jul 2011,
t = 328.71 d).
- Probes cleaned, water removed (13:00 5 Aug 2011,
t = 350.54 d).
- Probes in MC 2 and 3 cleaned, water removed (14:00 26 Aug
2011, t = 371.58 d).
- Probes cleaned, water removed (14:00 4 Oct 2011,
t = 410.58 d).
- Probes cleaned, water removed (08:30 12 Jan 2012,
t = 510.35 d).